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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 11th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students
- Technology has changed more in the past 10 years than it has in the previous 50.
- How has growing up with this technology made your life different from that of your parents’?
- In what ways have these technological inventions been beneficial or harmful?
- Do you think it is important to keep up with technological inventions? Why or why not?
- What do you think are Ukraine’s most valuable resources?
- How can you interpret the word ‘resources’?
- Do you think these resources are being used wisely?
- What changes could be helpful to protect or utilize these resources in the best way?
- Consider the two proverbs: “A man is defined by his actions,” and “It’s the thought that counts.”
- Explain the differences between the two proverbs.
- Which proverb do you agree with the most?
- Describe an example from your life that supports your choice of proverb.
- In what ways should parents support their children as they transition into adulthood?
- In what ways do/don’t your parents support you?
- What are the tradeoffs between parental support and independence?
- Is there ever a point when you can become completely independent?
- Robert Collier says, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.”
- Describe a time in your life when you experienced success.
- What were the small efforts you made to achieve success?
- Can success truly happen overnight?
- Utopia is an imagined place or state of being where everything is perfect.
- Describe your vision of utopia.
- What would society be like in this new world, and what role would you play?
- What potential challenges would your utopia face?
- “To read a book is to hold an entire world in the palm of your hand. That world is unique to you; no two readers can ever inhabit the same world.” — Arthur Schopenhauer
- Explain what this quote means to you. Do you agree or disagree?
- Describe one book that has created a unique world for you.
- How can a book be different for each reader?
- Albert Einstein said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction.” Do you agree or disagree?
- In what ways has technology helped and harmed society?
- What would your life be like today without technology?
- What do you think technology will be like in your future?
- Wikipedia has quickly become one of the largest online reference websites.
- How have you used Wikipedia for school or recreation?
- Which do you think is generally more reliable and accurate— information found in printed encyclopedias, or information found online? Why?
- If you were writing a Wikipedia page on something you are an expert in, what would the topic be?
- Public transportation is becoming more popular around the world, but a lot of people still rely on personal transportation (cars, bikes, etc.) to get around.
- What is your favorite form of public transportation?
- What are the main arguments for promoting public transportation, and what are the counter-arguments?
- What do you think public transportation might look like in 300 years?
- Junk food is gaining popularity in the modern world.
- Have you seen any effects of this in your country?
- Do you think junk food is a problem, and should this problem be addressed? By whom?
- Who stands to lose the most if junk food becomes less popular?
- The Statue of Liberty in New York City is a symbol of the United States. What sorts of monuments symbolize Ukraine?
- What is the history behind these monuments?
- What do they symbolize to you?
- If you could create a new monument to symbolize Ukraine, what would it be and why?
- Nowadays, the Internet allows new musicians and artists to post their work on websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and DeviantArt. Some people believe that these amateur artists have caused a decrease in the overall quality of art, while others believe these websites make it easier for truly talented artists to find an audience.
- Which side of this argument do you agree with?
- When you want to find new music or art, where do you look?
- What do you think makes art “worthy” of a museum?
- If you were to win the lottery and decide to take a trip around the world, what would be
your itinerary? Why?
- What would be your first and final destinations? Why?
- Would you prefer to travel alone or with another person?
- If you left Ukraine for a long time, what things from your country would you miss the most?
- The famous neurosurgeon, Henry Marsh, once said, “What are you if you’re not helping
people? You’re nothing, nothing at all.”
- Tell a story about a time in your life when you have volunteered, or when you have helped someone who needed it.
- Do you feel a greater sense of importance when you’re doing something that involves helping your community?
- What benefits do you, as a volunteer, get from volunteering?
- It is often said: “You never get a second chance at making a first impression.”
- What does this quote mean, and how important are first impressions?
- What things do you immediately decide about someone when you meet them?
- Tell a story about a time in your life when your first impression of someone was incorrect.
- Many pupils spend time after school participating in clubs or helping their parents at home.
- Which activities do you participate in after school? Why did you choose these activities to get involved in?
- What are the trade-offs for students participating in clubs like these?
- You have been chosen to create an after-school club or program. What will you do, and how will you motivate your fellow students to join?
- Imagine that Ukraine has a program to send volunteers abroad. You are going to be a volunteer in America for one year.
- What kind of volunteering would you like to do?
- What are your expectations for life in America?
- What specific Ukrainian traditional items would you bring to share with Americans?
- You are a famous author and you have been asked to write a new book.
- What genre of fiction or non-fiction would your book be?
- Who would be your target audience? Why?
- Summarize the plot of your new book.
- Imagine that you are a photojournalist and have the chance to create a photo essay about any celebrity.
- Who would you choose to photograph and why?
- What type of theme and setting would you choose for your photo shoot?
- Give some examples of questions you would ask this celebrity.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 11th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students
Write an essay on one of the topics suggested:
- Nearly all of you will be going directly from the 11th form to university. Some of your classmates, however, will join the workforce immediately after secondary school.
- What are the pros and cons of becoming employed after secondary school, instead of attending a university or a vocational school?
- Why did you decide to take either route (workforce or university)?
- For society, is it better for more secondary students to immediately begin working after graduation, or is it better for more students to attend a university?
- John Sawhill states that: “A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy.”
- How do you interpret this quotation, and do you agree?
- What does it mean in the context of Ukrainian society?
- What would your ideal society refuse to destroy?
- In many modern societies and throughout human history, tattoos have been used to represent age, cultural milestones, personal achievements, or social status. They can also be purely decorative.
- What are some common stereotypes surrounding people with tattoos?
- Do you hope to get a tattoo someday? If so, what image would you choose?
- Can tattoos be considered a form of art?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 9th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students
- Books have a positive influence on many people’s lives.
- What childhood books influenced you the most?
- What do you think are important elements of a good story?
- If you could be any character from literature, who would you be and why?
- Imagine that you are lost in the woods.
- What five things would you like to have with you in your rucksack?
- If you could have a person with you, who would you choose and why?
- What is the first thing you would do once you got out of the woods?
- Imagine you are the owner of a new museum.
- What type of museum would you like to own?
- From which time period would you gather most of your materials?
- Who would be the most interested in visiting your museum?
- Many schoolchildren spend their time after school participating in clubs or helping their parents
at home.
- Which activities do you participate in after school?
- Which after-school activities are important for pupils? Why?
- If you could start any after-school club or programme, what would it be?
- Books are a great way to introduce readers to exciting new ideas.
- What types of characters have you met through your explorations of literature?
- What places and time periods have you explored through books?
- How has reading introduced you to new ideas?
- Ukrainian teenagers often have responsibilities at school and at home.
- What are some of your responsibilities at school? At home?
- Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of working hard at school or home.
- How does age affect your responsibilities?
- Imagine you are teaching a course on Ukrainian history and culture to American students.
- What events in Ukraine’s past do you think have shaped the country?
- How have Ukrainians been affected by the events in their country’s past?
- What cultural information would you provide American students?
- Choose a character from your favourite programme, book, or movie.
- Why is this character your favourite?
- How is the character similar to you? Different?
- If you could trade places with this character, would you? Why or why not?
- Choose an athlete you admire.
- Describe the athlete’s skills, character and important achievements.
- Do you only admire this person for his/her skills or do you also admire his/her
- Which characteristics would you like to develop in your character?
- What is the best gift you were ever given.
- Who gave you the gift and what made the gift so special?
- What thoughtful gifts have you ever given to someone? Explain.
- Besides giving gifts, what other ways do we show our appreciation for people?
- What extreme sport would you like most to try?
- Describe the sport, including the equipment required, uniform and rules.
- Why is it considered an extreme sport?
- What potential dangers exist when doing extreme sports?
- Describe your perfect day, including location and weather.
- What activities would you do? With whom would you spend it?
- How would this day be different from every other day?
- Do you think it is possible to have a perfect day? Explain.
- Holidays are the time to spend with friends and family.
- What is your favourite holiday?
- How do you family and friends celebrate this holiday with you?
- Do you have any special traditions you share with your family?
- What is your favourite traditional dish?
- Describe an exotic dish you have ever cooked or tasted. What was unusual about it?
- Are you good at cooking?
- Comment on the quote: “Hunger is the best sauce in the world”. (Cervantes)
- Your school is having a competition in which students are designing a new school uniform.
- What colours and styles would you choose?
- Why do you think your design should be chosen?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms?
- People enjoy decorating their room in a way that reflects their personality.
- Describe your favourite room.
- How does this room reflect your personality?
- If you had the money to decorate your room as you wish, what would you change?
- Many people fantasize about the perfect vacation.
- Describe where you would go and who you would take with you.
- How long would your perfect vacation last?
- Name three things that could ruin your perfect vacation. Explain.
- School teachers impact our future in many ways.
- Which teacher has been most influential on you?
- What makes an influential teacher?
- Explain why teaching is a valued profession.
- Our parents greatly influence our personalities.
- Which personality traits do you share with your mother or father?
- What makes you different from them?
- Who has had more of an impact on you, your mother or father? Explain.
- Describe your hero or heroine.
- How has his/her life impacted yours?
- How do you model their behaviour? Explain.
- Who do you think sees you as a hero or role-model? Why?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 9th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students
Write an essay on one of the topics suggested:
- Generally people have friends of approximately the same age. However sometimes a friendship is possible between two people of significantly different ages. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of friendship? Give reasons and provide examples.
- People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? To what extent does wearing a uniform influence a person’s behaviour? List advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
- Sport and money. Are top sport professionals overpaid? Their sport career is short and full of risks. Top players have to look after themselves and be highly disciplined. They have a severely restricted social life, they can’t go out partying, and eating or drinking whatever they want. List advantages and disadvantages of their lives.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 10th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students
- Identify what you believe to be the most important event in world history.
- Explain the importance of this event.
- Infer the positive and negative impacts of this event on society.
- Infer and explain the positive and negative effects had this event never occurred.
- We live in a time of innovation but the sentiment about change still rings true: “We like what we know and we know what we like,” suggesting that we are still reticent to change in all its forms.
- What changes, radical or not, would you make to your life if you had the opportunity?
- What significant life changes have you already experienced or do you anticipate in the future?
- Evaluate the importance of tradition to a society; is it enough to have traditions simply because you have always had them?
- Is change always good?
- Is being able to use the Internet a necessary skill nowadays?
- How can access to the Internet affect a person’s life?
- How does lack of Internet access affect a person’s life? Can a person be successful if they do not have Internet access? Give an example.
- Do you believe it is better to travel around the world or to have access to the Internet?
- What does the word “leadership” mean?
- Why is good leadership important?
- Have you ever been in a position of leadership?
- Who in the world do you think possesses the greatest leadership skills? Why?
- Mark Twain said: “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
- Explain the meaning of this quote.
- In your opinion, why do people procrastinate?
- Debate the acceptability of procrastination: When is it absolutely unacceptable to procrastinate? Is it ever okay to put something off until later?
- Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
- Do you consider yourself a pessimist or an optimist?
- When you look towards the future how does your outlook color possibilities (positively or negatively)?
- Do you think it is better to be a pessimist or an optimist? Why?
- You have the opportunity to have dinner with any person, living or dead.
- With whom would you choose to have dinner and why?
- How has this person influenced your life and the lives of others?
- What would you want to ask this person? If you could only ask them one question, what would it be?
- Computer use in the home, classroom, and other common places is becoming commonplace around the world.
- Do you think computers help society?
- Do you think computer use can have bad effects on a person?
- How do you think computers have changed the world?
- Are arts classes at school, such as music or drawing classes, as important as major subjects, such as maths, science and literature?
- Can students receive useful skills in arts classes?
- Do all students benefit from arts classes?
- How important (or unimportant) are the arts to the world?
- Should people be judged on the clothes they wear?
- What are the disadvantages of judging people by their clothing?
- What sorts of clothes create a good impression? What sorts of clothes do you think create a bad impression?
- What are other ways a person may be judged?
- Dear Abby is a long-running advice column in American newspapers and many people have written to her over the years, seeking advice for the big and small things in their lives.
- What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
- Do you follow advice given by other people?
- If you were Dear Abby, what advice would you give to yourself?
- Our senses are absolutely essential for interacting with our world. If you had to give up all of our senses except for one, which one would you keep?
- Evaluate this sense and describe why it is the most important sense to you.
- What would be frustrating about life without your other four senses? Would you enjoy it?
- What could you learn from this? Predict the impact of these lessons.
- You suddenly have $10 million in your bank account.
- What would you do with the money?
- Predict what your family and friends would suggest you do with the money.
- If you had to give away half of the $10 million, to whom would you give it? Explain your criteria and reasoning for choosing this person.
- Stereotypes are present in all societies and are sometimes, in part, based on fact.
- Reflect on current stereotypes of which you are aware; predict positive and negative impacts of these stereotypes.
- In your opinion, are stereotypes always damaging, or can they be a positive thing as well?
- Have you seen someone using a stereotype first hand? Use examples to illustrate your point.
- It is said that clothes make the man.
- Infer to what extent you think attire affects first impressions.
- Do you think the actual appearance or the brand name of attire is more important and why? What values do you, or members of your culture, place on dressing smartly?
- Body art, in the form of tattoos and piercings, has become very popular among many different types of people in the last several decades.
- Evaluate your own culture. Is it acceptable in your culture to get a tattoo?
- Discuss the types of body decoration that are common in your culture and whether they vary by generation.
- Relate this to your personal experience. Would you get one if you had the chance? If so, what would you get and why?
- The French playwright, Molière, wrote, “The greater the obstacle the more glory in overcoming it.”
- Explain this quote and what it is saying about success and struggle.
- In your opinion, can you only achieve success through struggle? Can you achieve success without struggling? Is there a difference?
- Construct an example of success achieved through struggle.
- With the advent of the Internet and super technological phones has arisen a change in the way people communicate. Texting has replaced calling; emails have replaced letter-writing.
- Analyze and explain the benefits and disadvantages of texting and email.
- Predict the effects of the popularity of texting and email on speaking and writing skills.
- Is it still important for people to be able to write and speak properly? Why or why not?
- Some people take advantage of the anonymous nature of the Internet to re-invent or express different sides of themselves.
- Why, in your opinion, do people like this anonymity?
- Evaluate and weigh the benefits of cyber-anonymity versus its dangers.
- Use examples to illustrate the ways that cyber-anonymity can be both empowering and dangerous.
- Many people are distrustful of modern medicine. They believe that natural medicines from herbs and plants work much better.
- If you were sick, would you go to a regular doctor or a doctor who uses herbs and plants as medicine?
- Some argue that laughter makes a person feel better than any medicine can. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Have your parents ever treated you with medicinal remedies? Were they effective?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 10th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students
Write an essay on one of the topics suggested:
- According to Bill Gates, “Leaders will be those who empower others” and, in life, we come across many different types of leaders in different parts of our lives.
- Choose a person whom you believe to be a great leader and describe the qualities he or she has that characterize him/her as a leader?
- In your opinion, are these qualities unique or do all great leaders possess them?
- How have leaders influenced your own life? Or how have you influenced others as a leader?
- In today’s technological age, communication experts are worried that people are too wired and too distracted by their electronic devices. Experts have noticed that people are slowly replacing face-to-face communication with emails and texts, which isolate people instead of connecting them.
- In your opinion, do electronic devices and communication isolate or connect people? Use examples to illustrate your choice.
- How much time per day do you spend communicating on electronic devices (computer, phone, etc.)?
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face communication versus electronic communication.
- Are out-of-school activities as important as schoolwork?
- What different skills can students learn from out-of-school activities than from school subjects at school? Give examples.
- How can out-of-school activities help a student’s future?
- What might be some disadvantages of participating in out-of-school activities?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 8th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students
- Imagine the world in fifty years from now. How do you think the world will be different?
– What kind of new technologies will exist?
– What problems will have been solved? What new problems will have come about?
– Do you think that positive progress will inevitably occur in humanity’s future? Why or why
- Every year, we celebrate a number of different holidays. What holiday is your favorite? Why?
– What is your least favorite holiday? Why?
– How do you usually celebrate your favorite holiday? Why is it important to celebrate
– If you could change one holiday, how would you change it? Why?
- If you could be a character in any book you have read, who would you choose? Why?
- Describe the character you have chosen, including both his/her physical appearance and his/her personality traits.
- Does this character have any weaknesses?
- What traits does this character have that you do not have? Similarly, is there anything you like about yourself that this character does not possess?
- For many people, self-expression is an important part of their identity.
- How do you express yourself?
- How did you start expressing your identity in this way?
- How do you think this sets you apart from your peers?
- If time travel were possible what time period would you most like to experience for yourself?
- Where would you like to be in that time period?
- Who would you like to meet (perhaps a famous person) in that time period?
- How long would you stay in that time period?
- There is a famous quotation that says, “The world is a book and people who do not travel
have only read the first page.” Do you think travelling is important?
- What can you learn from visiting other countries?
- What country could you learn the most from?
- What culture would you like to learn more about?
- As the saying goes, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” It is widely believed that
parents greatly influence the personalities of their children. Do you think this is always
necessarily true? Why or why not?
– Which personality traits do you share with your mother and father?
– What makes you different from them?
– Who has made the largest impact on the development of your personality? Why?
- Extreme Sports
- What are the differences between “sports” and “extreme sports”?
- Do you participate in extreme sports? If so, which ones? If not, which ones would you be interested in participating in?
- Do you think that extreme sports are riskier than other activities?
- Are you an “adrenaline junkie?”
- Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.” What did he mean when he said this?
– Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
– How will you use your education to make a positive change in the world?
– What academic subjects do you think are most important to study if one hopes to
develop society and change the world? Why?
- An intelligent and technologically advanced race of aliens has come to Earth, and you are
the first representative of mankind they meet and they want to know about your planet. What
would you say about Earth and the human race? Why?
– What things and places would you show them? Why?
– What questions would you ask them? Why?
– How would you ask them to help Earth?
- What invention or innovation has had the biggest impact on the fate of mankind? Why?
– Was this impact positive or negative in your opinion? Why?
– How would the world be different without this invention or innovation?
– What invention or innovation do you think will come about in your lifetime that will
dramatically change the world?
- Is graffiti a type of “art”?
– What messages do people express through graffiti?
– Should the government punish people who write graffiti?
– What should we do about graffiti writers?
- How has the Internet changed studying?
- In your opinion, do these changes make us reliant on the Internet?
- Relate this to your personal experience: do you use the Internet when you study?
- Evaluate and compare the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet to study.
- Oscar Wilde once that “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you
will be when you can’t help it.”
- Do you believe that reading and literature play that important of a role in shaping one’s character?
- Relate this quote to your personal experience; use examples.
- Fantasy books, such as Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, have been very popular recently.
Why do you think this genre is so popular?
- Do you think that fantasy books and films are intended for a younger audience or do they have broad appeal? Why?
- If you could bring a character from a fantasy book to life, who would it be? Why would you choose that character?
- Some argue that fantasy books and films are forms of escapism which serve only to
distract people from important issues and problems in the real world. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
- Parties
- If you were planning a party, what would you organize?
- Who would you invite to your party? Whose company do you enjoy?
- What would you rate as a good party? What would you rate as a bad party?
- You are writing a travel brochure about your hometown.
- Describe your hometown (location, people, weather, travel in and around your town, etc.).
- What is your town known for? Is there anything special about it?
- What are the advantages of living in and visiting your hometown?
- Compare your hometown to another town in your area.
- Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter and you have the chance to interview any person
living or dead. Who would you interview? Why?
– What would your first interview question be? Why?
– How has this person influenced the lives of others? How has this person influenced
your life?
– How do you think history would be different if this person had never been born?
- Learning a foreign language.
- Do you have the same personality in English as in your native language?
- How does learning a foreign language change you?
- How might others perceive you as a foreigner versus as in your home country?
- According to Thomas Edison: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent
- Which do you think plays a bigger role in success, natural talent or hard work?
- Do you have any personal achievements that you are proud of?
- How much did natural talent or hard work factor in your personal success?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 8th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students
Write an essay on one of the topics suggested:
- Every educational institution has some method by which it assesses the progress of its students. In your opinion, is it important for students to receive marks at school?
- How do grades affect the way that students learn?
- What are the advantages or disadvantages of grades?
- Do you think that there are other ways to show what students have learned? Explain possible alternative methods of evaluation.
- Though texting and social networking are valuable ways of communicating, some people spend too much time sending messages by phone or the Internet instead of interacting with others face to face.
- Is digital communication good or bad, in your opinion? Consider what “arts” are being lost because of this technology.
- Infer how this affects social behaviour and development.
- Predict how this may affect future generations.
- If asked what you value most in life, what would you say? Good friends would probably be high on your list. Write about a good friend and tell why you value him or her.
- What characteristics make him or her a good friend?
- What has he or she helped you through?
- What have you learned from your friend?
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