На даній сторінці опубліковано завдання ІІ етапу Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови (Івано-Франківська область) (посиланя на скачування розміщене в кінці статті)

Аудіювання, 8 клас
In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (a, b, c or d), or two letters (T/F (True or False)) as specified prior to each task.
Завдання 1.
Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):
Great- Granddad’s Last Battle by Robert Froman
I will never forget the Saturday I took my great-grandfather to his first movie. I was nine. Granddad was over 90 years old.
The movie was a Wild West show. And that Saturday afternoon in 1920 turned out to be
a wild one too!
We were a little late when we got to the movie. The lights were already turned low. The girl at the piano had started to play. In those days, the movies had no sound. The only sounds that went with them came from a piano. I helped Granddad find a seat in the first row. He sat back just as Hoot Gibson came riding across the screen on his horse. I looked at Granddad. His eyes were fixed on the screen and his lips were moving. I saw that he was riding right along with Hoot Gibson!
Hoot was running away from criminals. Faster and faster the horses ran. The girl at the piano played louder and louder. Suddenly Granddad jumped to his feet and yelled at Hoot. “Look out!” he cried. “Run for it, Hoot! They are getting closer!”
The girl at the piano turned around. Right behind her she saw a tall old man with arms stretched wide. It was my granddad. She thought he had gone crazy. With a scream she climbed to the top of the piano. Then she jumped through the movie screen, making a big hole in it. She ran out the back door of the movie, yelling.
There were about 40 people at the movie that afternoon. Granddad was the only one there over 12 years old. All the excitement made us boys feel we should do something.
A friend of mine named Sammy climbed up to see what had happened. Other boys followed Sammy. Soon about 12 yelling boys were crowded around the screen. What noise! The ticket-taker came running. “Stop the show!” he yelled. “Turn on the lights!” But no one seemed to hear him. At that moment, Sammy shot his cap gun. Someone saw the smoke from the cap gun and screamed “Fire!”
Granddad was still standing. He called out, “Get the firemen! Where is the fire?”
Just then several men came in through the back door. The girl who played the piano had told them about the crazy man. They were coming to get Granddad!
Before they got to him, a fireman came in the front door. He was carrying a hose. “Water!” he shouted to the firemen behind him. Then he turned his hose on the screen full force. The hole in the screen became larger and larger.
“I’m getting out of here!” Granddad said to me. “I’ve been in many battles, but this is the worst of all.” We pushed past the firemen and got to the street at last. By this time there was a big crowd of people. “What’s happened? Where’s the fire?” everyone wanted to know.
But we did not wait to talk. Granddad took me to his little house and gave me some ice-cream. “I am sorry you didn’t get to see the whole show, Granddad,” I said. “Will you go with me next Saturday?” Granddad shook his head. “No, Robert,” he said. “I don’t like movies. They are too noisy. My first movie will be my last!”
Listening Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students
Task 1. Write TRUE if the statement is true, and FALSE if the statement is false.
- They came to the movie in time.
- The movie they watched was soundless.
- They were sitting in the first row.
- There was a back door behind the movie screen.
- Hoot Gibson was chasing the criminals.
- Hoot Gibson made a big hole in the screen.
- The cap gun caused a fire.
- The piano girl brought the firemen with her.
- The water made the hole larger.
- Granddad did not like his first movie.
Task 2. Circle the right answer A, B, C, or D
- 11. The grandson’s name was…
- Sammy B. Hoot C. Gibson D. Robert
12.. How old was the boy?
- 19 B. 12 C. 9 D. 90
- 13. Why did the girl play the piano?
- to help people understand the movie.
- to add sound to the movie
- to help people find their seats.
- to entertain the audience.
- 14. Hoot Gibson was…
- The name of the actor.
- The name of the film
- The name of the author
- The name of Granddad
- 1The Granddad jumped and …
- looked at the audience B. yelled C. smiled D. danced
16 How many people were there at the cinema?
- 40 B. 12 C. 14 D. 20
- 1Sammy shot his…
- pistol B. fire gun C. cap gun D. petard
- 1The fireman brought..
- a house B. a hose C. a horse D. a hole
- 1A lot of events happened that afternoon EXCEPT…
- The girl broke the screen
- The boys did the shooting
- The old man didn’t enjoy the film
- The fireman put out the fire
- 2Why did the Granddad not want to go to the movie again?
- He did not like fire.
- He did not like noise
- He did not like Wild West show
- He did not like shooting
ROUND II. Читання, 8 клас.
In this Test you will read three texts. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c or d) or write TRUE or FALSE as specified prior to each task.
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated to New York City when she was ten. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the 19th century. After writing many letters asking for admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia.
In 1849, after graduating from medical school, she decided to continue her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection crashed her plans.
Returning to the USA she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, could open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the first female physician and founding her own hospital, she also founded the first medical school for women.
Task 1: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):
- Where had Elizabeth lived till she was ten?
- in New York B) in England C) in Philadelphia D) in Paris
- What did she do in Philadelphia?
- she worked as a doctor B) she studied at a medical school
- C) she wrote letters D) she taught medicine at school
- What country did she continue her education in?
- A) England B) the USA C) France D) Philadelphia
- Why couldn’t she become a surgeon?
- A) she couldn’t get to medical school B) she decided to continue her education in Paris
- C) because of a serious eye infection D) it was difficult for her to start practice
- What was the main problem for her as a doctor?
- A) she was a woman B) she wrote too many letters
- C) she couldn’t graduate from medical school D) she couldn’t open her hospital
Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office. He had no wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper called Mrs. Macready and three servants. He himself was a very old man with shaggy white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head, and they liked him almost at once; but on the first evening when he came out to meet them at the front door he was so odd-looking that Lucy ( who was the youngest ) was a little afraid of him, and Edmund ( who was the next youngest ) wanted to laugh and had to keep on pretending he was blowing his nose to hide it.
Task 2: Decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE:
- The four children went to live in a house in the country.
- The Professor was very old with brown hair.
- Lucy was a very shy child.
- The Professor’s house was in the centre of the country.
- This story is about four children’s trip to London.
The tomato is the world’s most popular fruit. And, botanically speaking, it is a fruit, not a vegetable. More than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced per year, 16 million tons more than the second most popular fruit, the banana. Apples are the third most popular (36 million tons), then oranges (34 million tons) and watermelons (22 million tons). Tomatoes were first cultivated in 700 AD by Aztecs and Incas. Explorers returning from Mexico introduced the tomato into Europe.
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C and fiber, and are cholesterol-free. Doctors say that the stuff that makes tomatoes red may prevent cancer. It also protects us from the free radicals that may ruin many parts of the body together with vitamins C and E.
Tomatoes are used in many food products, including, of course, tomato sauce (ketchup), pasta and pizza. Don’t store ripe tomatoes in the fridge. Cold temperature lessens the flavour in tomatoes.
Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):
- 1. About 60 million tons of tomatoes are grown … .
- a) every month
- b) every year
- c) every 6 months
- d) every 2 years
- 2. Which is the continent where tomatoes were cultivated for the first time?
- a) Europe
- b) America
- c) Asia
- d) Africa
- 3. Oranges are … .
- a) as popular as tomatoes
- b) in the fourth place in popularity
- c) not so popular as watermelons
- d) not mentioned in the text
- 4. What is the right way to keep tomatoes?
- a) At a hot temperature
- b) At a cold temperature
- c) At a normal temperature
- d) In water
- 5. Doctors think tomatoes help people to … .
- a) prevent the flu
- b) become cleverer
- c) be strong
- d) resist some diseases
ROUND IV. Усне мовлення, 8клас
In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.
- Real friends usually have many things to share. Do you have a friend you can rely on and trust him?
- A warm welcome always awaits you in your family. Can you introduce your dearest people?
- There is some connection between food and health. Does your health depend on your way of life and the food you eat?
- Teenagers are crazy about music. They listen to it all the time. What about you? What does music mean to you?
- You are at an international summer camp. Tell your new friends about the main sights of your native city, town or village.
- The Englishmen say, ’My home is my castle’. Do you agree with this statement? Can you describe your house or flat?
- My favourite kind of sport is the best one. Why are people fond of sports and games?
- When we help parents we make them happy. Do you try your best to be a good helper?
- Travelling is the best way to explore the world around. Do you like travelling? What means of transport do you prefer and why?
- Talk about shopping. Do you like shopping? Have you ever done shopping online?
- Tell about the best party you have ever been to.
- I’m proud of being Ukrainian. What would you tell your foreign friend about your Motherland?
- People can’t imagine their lives without computers. What role do computers play in people’s life?
- If you want to enjoy life, find interesting ways to entertain yourself. What is your hobby?
- Tell about a film you have seen and enjoyed.
- People who are fond of reading have a lot of advantages over those who don’t read so much. Why is reading important?
- Holidays give us an opportunity to visit relatives, relax, and keep traditions. What is your favourite religious holiday?
- If you want to feel comfortable in the modern world you must know English. What do you do to improve your English?
- Our planet needs our help. Why? What environmental problems does the Earth face?
- Tell about the book which impressed you a lot.
ROUND III. Творча письмова робота, 8 клас
- Why is reading so important?
- I study English for a number of reasons.
- Traditions help a family to be a unit.
Listening 9th form 2017
The Legend of Sunflower
Once, long ago, an Indian maiden was found by a band of Indians nearly starved
to death. They took her to their chief, and because she was a pretty child, he let her help his many wives. As she grew older, the maiden became tall and beautiful. The Indians named her Sunflower, for she was good to look upon. She was the best canoe paddler of the tribe, and she was the fleetest runner of all the maidens. She could swim long distances nothing seemed too difficult for her.
When she was eighteen years old, the chief adopted her as his daughter. Then she went to live with the chief favourite wife and her daughter, Woodbird Sunflower and Woodbird were happy together. But she did not offer any encouragement to the suitors, for she thought none of them were great enough warriors to wed her.
One day the chief called Sunflower and told her that she had to make a choice
from among her suitors for a husband. So she appointed a day on which she would
choose from her lovers the one whom she would wed. They should one by one try to beat her in a canoe race. The winner she would wed and him only.
The day came. It was a warm September day. The birds were singing, the wind
was just strong enough to keep the leaves rustling. The river was broken into a thousand tiny ripples, and occasionally a fish would jump out of the water seemingly curious about the coming match.
As Sunflower and her first opponent stepped into their canoes a handsome Indian
was seen floating down the river with the palms of his hands upward, as a sign of peace.
The chief signaled for him to approach. The young Indian said that he had come a long distance to ask for Sunflower as his wife. The chief answered that if none of Sunflower’s many suitors succeeded in the competition he would have a chance to try.
Then the signal was given and the canoes darted down the stream. From the start
Sunflower’s canoe was ahead of that of her suitor, and not once did he catch up to her.
When the goal was reached, Sunflower had won the race. One after another, each suitor was beaten. This made Sunflower more scornful and vain than ever. She made fun of their fruitless efforts.
The next day found Sunflower in her canoe and the stranger in his canoe, both
waiting for the signal. When it was given instead of shooting down the stream with the strength of the first stroke they rose slowly up from the river and paddled toward the sun. Slowly, slowly, they went up, until they were lost to view among the clouds and the people stared after them, too astonished to speak. Finally, the old chief broke the silence.
“It was Sun against whom she was to try her skill. He will marry her and with him
she will have to stay because she wanted to be loved and admired. She didn’t want to forget herself in her love and work for others.”
Task I. Which sentences are true and which sentence are false.
1.Once, long ago a band of Indians found a little Indian boy.
- As the girl grew older, she became tall and beautiful
- She was not the best canoe paddler of the tribe.
- Sunflower went to live with the chief’s favorite wife and her daughter.
- Later she offered some encouragement to the suitors.
- One day the chief told sunflower not to choose her future husband.
- The day of the match was cold and windy.
- Sunflower won all races with her suitors.
- She didn’t become scornful and vain after her victory.
- Finally the old chief broke the silence saying that it was Sun against whom
Sunflower was to try her skill.
Task II. Finish the sentence choosing the right variant.
- An Indian maiden was taken
- A) to inks family
- B) to the Indians’ chief
- C) to her mother.
- Indians called her Sunflower for
- A) she was good to look upon
- B) she was like sun
- C) she was fair – haired
- The chief adopted Sunflower as her daughter
- A) when she was found
- B) when she was 16
- C) when she was 18
- Sunflower’s suitors had to win her:
- A) in a game
- B) in a canoe race
- C) in a running race
- 5. When Sunflower and her first opponent stepped into their canoes
- A) a handsome second opponent was seen
- B) another young woman was seen.
- C) a handsome Indian was seen.
6.When the signal was given:
A)the canoes rushed down the stream.
B)the canoes rushed up the stream.
C)the canoes did not rush anywhere.
- One after another:
- A) the first and the second suitors were beaten.
- B) each suitor was beaten.
- C) the last suitor was beaten.
- This victory made Sunflower:
- A) more
- B) more beautiful.
- C) more jealous.
- The next day sunflower and the stranger paddled:
- a) down the river.
- b) to the left from the people:
- c) toward the sun.
- The last chief’s words meant…
- A) that young handsome Indian was unworthy of being her husband
- B) that the maiden wouldn’t marry anybody
- C) that her future husband would be the Sun itself.
Reading 9th form 2017
Text 1
The British on holiday
In the nineteenth century, railways were built from the big industrial cities like Leeds and Manchester to seaside towns like Blackpool and Scarborough. For the first time, ordinary working people could visit the seaside. They used to take day-trips on Sundays and special days like Easter. Traditionally, people sat in deckchairs on the beach, swam in the sea, and ate fish and chips. Children could watch Punch and Judy puppet shows, build sandcastles and ride donkeys on the beach.
In the 1950s, the first package holidays were launched. Throughout the 60s and 70s, the British increasingly began to abandon the traditional seaside holiday in favour of sunshine and warmer seas in countries like Spain and Greece. Caravan and camping holidays also became popular in the 60s and 70s as car ownership increased.
In the 1990s, budget airlines like easy Jet slashed the cost of air tickets to many
European destinations. Long-haul flights also came down in price, so holidays to exotic destination in Australia and Asia became affordable to ordinary families. A growing number of people began to book their own flights and accommodation and, as a result, the package holiday market declined.
The holiday habits of the British are continuing to change. Increasing levels of affluence mean that, for many families, a second foreign holiday – often a winter skiing holiday – is possible. City breaks are also growing in popularity, and not only to nearby destinations – Las Vegas, Dubai and Cape Town are all favourites for long weekends. And independent travel is becoming more and more popular as the Internet allows holidaymakers to find the best deals online.
Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
- In the nineteenth century, new railways made it possible for working people to go to the coast.
- A lot of British people bought cars between 1960 and 1979.
- As package holidays became more popular, seaside holidays in Britain became less popular.
- In the 1990s, short flights were cheap, but long flights were still very expensive.
- Most Britons have their holidays outside Europe.
Excerpt from “Island of the Blue Dolphins” by Scott O’Dell
I do not remember much of this time, except that many suns rose and set. I thought about what I was going to do now that I was alone. I did not leave the village. Not until I had eaten all of the abalones did I leave and then only to gather more. Yet I do remember the day that I decided I would never live in the village again. It was a morning of thick fog and the sound of far-off waves breaking on the shore. I had never noticed before how silent the village was. Fog crept in and out of the empty huts. It made shapes as it drifted and they reminded me of all the people who were dead and those who were gone. The noise of the surf seemed to be their voices speaking. I sat for a long time, seeing these shapes and hearing the voices, until the sun came out and the fog vanished. Then I made a fire against the wall of the house. When it was burned to the earth I started a fire in another house. Thus, one by one, I destroyed them all so that there were only ashes left to mark the village of Ghalas-at.
QUESTIONS 1 through 5 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter А, В, C, or D).
- We can infer from the text that Ghalas-at is …..
- A) idyllically beautiful B) quaint
- C) located by the sea D) a large settlement
- At first, the narrator only leaves the village to
- A) find food B) go swimming
- C) watch the sun rise and set D) the narrator never leaves the village
- What does the narrator perceive in the fog?
- A) Nothing. B) The voices of the villagers speaking.
- C) Empty huts. D) The shapes of the people who are dead and gone.
- In the last paragraph, ‘vanished’ means …..
- A) drifted B) disappeared
- C) thickened D) vanquished
- The burning of the village can be best described as an act of …..
- A) survival C) mourning B) war D) pleasure
From “Lonely Planet Review: Australia “, “Sydney Aquarium”, 15th Edition, 2009
This place brings in more paying visitors than any other attraction in Australia- even with its hefty admission charges. Aqua fans enter through huge, kitsch, metallic shark jaws into 160 m of underwater tunnels, looking at 11,000 happy Australian sea creatures. Highlights include clownfish, an intimidating array of sharks in the Open Ocean section, and the Great Barrier Reef exhibit’s swoon-worthy Van Gogh coral colours. Residents of the Seal Sanctuary have lawless amounts of fun. Needless to say, kids love it. Arrive early to beat the crowds (but less chatter makes it harder to ignore the piped-in indigestive whale noises). Disabled access is good. Booking online will save you a few dollars. Discounted combo tickets are also available accessing Sydney Tower and/or Sydney Wildlife World.
QUESTIONS 1 through 5 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter А, В, C, or D).
- In the opinion of the writer, the price of a ticket to the Aquarium is …. . A) incredibly cheap B) affordable C) high D) unreasonable
- Visitors enter the aquarium through ….
- A) a metal detector B) a kitchen where seafood is prepared
- C) a replica of a shark’s mouth D) a tunnel filled with 11,000 sea creatures
- What does the word ‘beat’ mean in the text?
- A) hit B) arrive after C) avoid D) come together
- Which of the following does the review NOT tell the reader to expect? A) beautiful coral B) marine life C) sounds of whales eating D) excursions to the open ocean
- Why does the review recommend arriving early?
- A) You can get discounted tickets. B) There will be fewer people.
- C) The animals are more active. D) There are more shows early in the day.
ROUND IV. Усне мовлення, 9 клас.
In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.
- Do you agree that every person has the right to dress and act how he or she wants to?
- When you see someone in unusual clothes do you laugh at them?
- If somebody speaks in an unusual way do you make jokes about that person?
- Has anyone ever made a joke about your clothes or behavior? How did you feel?
- You are presented with the opportunity to correspond with a “pen pal” from an English-speaking country.
- With what kind of person would you most like to correspond (age, job, etc.)?
- What questions would you most like to ask this person?
- What would you want to tell your pen pal about yourself and your country?
- You have an opportunity to create a new holiday at your school. This holiday can be in honor of whatever you want.
- What does it celebrate, when is it celebrated, and how is it celebrated?
- Why did you choose this holiday?
- Do you think other people will like this holiday? Why?
- Ukraine is a big country with many different geographical features, climates and traditions. What do you like about your country?
- What can you say about the weather here? Do you like the weather?
- What are some of your favorite national traditions and customs?
- What are your favorite cities? Where are they located?
- What’s your favorite subject in school?
- What are your favorite activities at this subject’s lessons?
- Would you like to teach this subject?
- What is your teacher like?
- Talk about what sport you and your friends are into.
- Do you prefer a team sport or an individual one?
- How long have you been playing?
- What kind of training do you have? How often? How long?
- What does sport give you?
- What cuisine do you prefer?
- Why do you like it?
- What is something strange that you would like to try that you haven’t eaten?
- Do you think there is any Ukrainian dish that foreigners would find strange? Why?
- Today many countries in the world place a lot of importance on learning English in schools.
- What do you think are the reasons for this attention?
- Does English help you in your life?
- How will you use English after finishing school?
- 9. What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
- When and where would you go? For how long would you be away?
- What is included in your vacation? What do you not want to be included? Why?
- What is your dream based on? Have you seen it in a movie, read about it, etc.?
- What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not in school?
- Do you choose physical outdoor activities or things to do inside? Why?
- Do you like to be alone or with friends and family? When do you choose which?
- Is it important for people to make sure they have free time? Why?
- You’re planning a party for your next birthday. You have a lot of plans to make.
- What will be on your menu? Who will be invited?
- Where will the party take place? How long will it last? Who will help?
- What would you most like to receive as a gift? Why?
- Books have played an important role in developing young minds, allowing them to travel to distant lands just by reading a few pages. Make a short book review of your favourite book.
- Who are the main characters? What is the main plot?
- What main ideas do you take from this book?
- How has this book affected the way you think?
- Do you like to keep pets?
- What kinds of animals are best as pets? Why?
- Are there any animals that should not be kept as pets?
- Why do you think so many people like to keep pets?
- What is the most important quality a friend can have?
- Why is this quality so important?
- Do your closest friends have this quality? Do you?
- How can you work to improve on this quality?
- Discuss your favorite actor/actress.
- What plays, films or television shows have you seen this person in?
- Explain why they are your favorite actor/actress.
- Compare this person with another actor/actress and explain why your choice is best.
- If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?
- Would you be easy or strict?
- Would you give a lot of homework or a little?
- Would you be friendly or mean towards your students? Why?
- Pollution may be a problem in your community or region.
- Describe any problems with pollution in the area where you live
- Talk about the effects of pollution on the people, the crops and the animals
- Tell what you think should and could be done to make the situation better.
- A person’s decision about where to live is very important. Some people want apartments, while others want private homes. Some people are more comfortable in a city while others like village life.
- Where would you like to live in your future? Why?
- What will your home look like? What rooms will you need? Why? How will your future job and plans for a family influence your choices?
- You are planning a trip to another country.
Why have you chosen this country?
- How will you get there? Where will you be living abroad?
- The sights you are going to see there.
- Bad habits are a part of almost everybody’s life. We all do things that we shouldn’t sometimes, but of course, some bad habits are worse than others.
- What do you think are some of the worst bad habits? Why do you think so?
- What should we do to stay healthy?
- What might happen to people who keep their bad habits all their life?
Writing 9th form 2017
ROUND III. Творча письмова робота, 9 клас
In this Test you will select from the three tasks written on the board one which you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
- In countries all over the world, people are learning English. What are the advantages and disadvantages of speaking more than one language?
- Around the world mobile phones have become more and more popular. Have mobile phones truly improved the quality of life of those who use them?
- It’s better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.
Listening 10th form 2017
The Barbecue
One day in early June, Mr. Lin received an invitation from his boss, Mr. Grove, to attend a Fourth of July barbecue. As he looked at the invitation, he noticed that the letters RSVP were written at the bottom. Since he had no idea what these letters stood for, he decided to ask his neighbor, Mr. Sharon, what they meant. Mr. Sharon explained that RSVP stands for the French phrase, “Respondez s’il vous plait” which means please let the host know if you plan to attend. Before Mr. Lin could thank him, Mr. Sharon said, “By the way, I suggest you bring your host a small gift. When 1 am invited to a party, I bring a bottle of wine or some pastry.” Suddenly Mr. Lin began to worry about what he should wear and what other customs he needed to be aware of. Mr. Sharon was again helpful. He told Mr. Lin, “Barbecues are held in the backyard, so dress is casual. And really, there’s nothing else you need to know, except maybe that Americans tend to be open and friendly people. Relax! When you get there, they’ll make you feel right at home.”
Mr. Lin got to the Grove’s front door at the same time as a middle-aged couple. The couple and Mr. Lin were politely greeting each other on the doorstep when Mrs. Grove opened the front door. With a broad smile, she bent over so that her two friends could kiss her on the cheek. She then greeted Mr. Lin. He didn’t know if he was supposed to shake her hand or kiss her cheek. He stood frozen until Mrs. Grove firmly shook his hand and with her left hand motioned for him to enter. Mr. Lin then met the rest of the family. First he was introduced to Alyssa, the teenage daughter. Makeup and a stylish dress made Alyssa look much older than fifteen. A few seconds after saying, “Hi” to Mr. Lin, she ran off to answer the telephone. The phone must have rung twenty times during the course of the barbecue, each time it was for Alyssa. Mr. Grove jokingly said, “Whenever I want to talk to Alyssa, I call her on the phone.”
There were tables set up in the backyard. The Groves had prepared a huge spread. “Please help yourself to whatever you’d like,” said Mrs. Grove. “As you can see, there’s enough food here to feed an army! There’s also beer, wine, punch and soda to drink.” Mr. Lin helped himself to some barbecued chicken, baked clams, salad and French bread, and took a can of soda. “If that soda isn’t cold enough yet, there’s plenty of ice in the cooler over there,” said Mrs. Grove. As Mr. Lin began eating, the Groves’ second daughter, Margaret’ came over and introduced herself. Margaret was in her thirties and recently divorced. She was a successful lawyer with a large firm in the city. Both she and her ten-year-old son were very knowledgeable about China and spent a lot of time talking to Mr. Lin. He felt very comfortable with her. This was not the case with Brad, the only son. Brad was quite conceited and loud. He and his date constantly tried to be the center of attention, but this was difficult because Florence, Mr. Grove’s mother, stole the show with her witty and interesting stories.
Florence was a seventy-two-year- old widow; she was very active in programs which tried to gain benefits for senior citizens. Mr. Lin had just read an article about homes for the aged, and he was surprised to find out that elderly people usually, ended up at these homes. Since he was curious to know why old people did not spend their last years living with their families, he asked Florence. She said, “Well, I think at one time many older people would stay with their children, but times have changed. In many American families, both the husband and wife work, so if a parent is sick or disabled, there’s no one around to take care of him or her. Besides many senior citizens don’t want to be dependent on their children. I like my independence. Also, some elderly people just can’t adapt to the lifestyles of their
children, so they would just as soon live alone. Of course, there are still many
Americans who are eager to have their parents live with them.” After the barbecue was over, and Mr. Lin was on his way home, he thought to himself, “When I first came to this country, I knew almost nothing about American lifestyles. I’ve certainly learned a lot since then.”
Task I. After the first reading of the selection, read the statements below and write
either True or False on your answer sheet.
- Mr. Lin received an invitation from his neighbour.
- When Mr. Sharon is invited to a party, he brings some chocolate as a small gift.
- At barbecues dress is casual.
- The hostess kissed Mr. Lin on the cheek.
- Alyssa was older than fifteen.
- Margaret, the second daughter, was a successful lawyer.
- Mr. Lin did not understand the meaning of the words, “a home for the aged.”
- Many senior citizens are reluctant to give up their independence.
- In China, elderly people are welcomed into the homes of their children; not in
- Mr. Lin feels he still has much to learn about how Americans live.
Task II: After the second reading of the selection, read the questions below and
write the letter of the best variant on your answer sheet.
- According to his neighbor’s advice, what is Mr. Lin expected to bring to the
- a) cake b) flowers
- c) candy d) a Chinese dish to share
- Where barbecues are usually held?
- a) a city park b) in a field
- c) in a cafe d) in the backyard
- Who did Mr. Lin meet at the door?
- a) Mr. Grove, the host b) Alyssa Grove, the daughter c)
a middle-aged couple d) Brad, the son
- 4. Why did Alyssa look older than she actually was?
- a) her hairstyle b) her dress
- c) her voice d) her behavior
- Margaret and her son knew quite a bit about
- a) living in the city b) Mr. Lin’s home
- c) making conversation with strangers d) international travel
- Mr. Lin has recently read an article about
- a) programs to benefit senior citizens b) differences between China and America c)
Florence Grove d) housing for the elderly
- What reason is given why elderly Americans do not live with their children?
- a) both spouses in American families are at work during the day
- b) children do not have room in their homes for another person
- c) grandparents often spoil the children
- d) elderly people are often quarrelsome
- Mrs. Grove says she wouldn’t live with her children because
- a) she doesn’t agree with their lifestyle b) she is too old to learn new ways .
- c) she has her own home d) she likes to do things her own way
- Mr. Lin likes all the members of the Grove family except
- a) Alyssa b) Margaret c) Florence d)Brad
- Mr. Lin says he has learned a great deal since coming to America about
- a) American families b) how Americans live
- c) American business customs d) American food for holidays
Reading 10th form 2017
Text 1
From “Pandora’s Box”, Greek Myths and Legends
Pandora was modeled in the likeness of Aphrodite. She was carved out of white marble, her lips made of red rubies and her eyes of sapphires. Athena breathed life into her and dressed her in elegant garments. Aphrodite gave her jewels and fixed her mouth in a winning smile. Into the mind of this beautiful creature, Zeus put insatiable curiosity, and then he gave her a sealed box and told her never to open it.
She was brought down to earth and offered in marriage to Epimetheus, who lived among the mortals. Epimetheus has been warned never to accept a gift from Zeus, but he could not resist the beautiful woman. Thus Pandora came to live among mortals, and men came from near and far stand awestruck by her wondrous beauty.
But Pandora was not perfectly happy, for she did not know what was in the box that Zeus had given her. It was not long before her curiosity got the better of her and she had to take a quick peek. The moment she opened the lid, out swarmed Greed, Vanity, Slander, Envy, and all the miseries that had been unknown to mortals. Horrified, Pandora shut the lid, just in time to keep Hope from flying out too. Zeus had put Hope at the bottom of the box, and it would have quickly put an end to the unleashed evils. They stung and bit the mortals as Zeus had planned, but their sufferings made them wicked instead of good, as Zeus had hoped. They lied, stole, and killed each other and became so evil that Zeus in disgust drowned them in a flood.
True or false?
- Pandora looked nothing like Aphrodite.
- Zeus gave Pandora the box because he knew she would open it.
- “Curiosity got the better of her” means “Curiosity helped her”.
- Pandora knew that Hope was at the bottom of the box.
- Zeus’ plan was destroyed because Pandora opened the box.
TEXT 2 From “Video Game Addiction: Nearly 1 in 10 Children is at Risk”, Huffington Post, 2011
Roughly 1 in 10 children who play video games are at risk of becoming pathologically addicted to them, found a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. That means for every classroom of 30 kids, three of them could develop a hardcore digital addiction that boosts the risk of depression, social phobia and poor school performance, the study found. Over a two-year span, researchers from the U.S., Hong Kong and Singapore studied the video game habits of 3,000 Singaporean children from grades 3,4,7 and 8. Kids who averaged 31 or more hours of gameplay a week were classified as pathological or ‘obsessive’ gamers and were determined more likely to develop serious mental health issues. Inclined to believe video game addiction is just a passing phase? WebMD reports that 84 percent of students who were considered addicts when the study began were still addicted two years later. Still, such findings are preliminary. U.S. News reports: Although pathological video gaming appears to share a number of characteristics with other addictive behaviors, such as pathological gambling, the researchers noted that ‘pathological gaming’ is not yet an established psychological disorder.
QUESTIONS 1 through 5 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter А, В, C, or D).
- Which is mentioned as a potential risk of digital addiction?
- A) Fear of interacting with people in social situations.
- B) Good grades.
- C) Weight gain.
- D) Fear of leaving one’s room or house.
- According to the study, children playing more than 30 hours of video games a week are more vulnerable to …..
- A) psychological problems
- B) video game burnout
- C) gambling addiction
- D) digital pathologies
- A ‘passing phase’ implies …..
- A) something that continues for a long time
- B) something that only lasts a short time
- C) when people share opinions
- D) when people play games with each other
- The tone of the article can best be described as ….
- A) ambivalent
- B) concerned
- C) overwhelmed
- D) apathetic
- According to the article, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT …. .
- A) psychologists have recognized pathological gaming as an official condition
- B) only a minority of children are at risk for pathological gaming disorders
- C) video game addiction is likely to be a long-term condition
- D) a variety of problems stem forth from video game addiction
Representation of the United States
The United States, a country located in the middle of North America, is well-known the world over. The usual problem, as with many countries with a vast popular culture, is when people who have never been to the countries depicted begin to assume that what they see in popular culture is reality. The truth, however, is usually somewhere else.
To begin, the United States is far more diverse than usually shown on film. A usual film will feature a cast of white people, and maybe a few characters from other races, too. About two-thirds of the population is White, not including Hispanics or Latinos, but the other one-third, which consists of minorities as a whole (Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.) does not correspond to what is shown in the theater.
Additionally, the problem of poverty is usually not addressed in film, if shown at all. More than 15% of the US population lives in poverty on a day-to-day basis, according to official figures, and that is usually ignored or underplayed in American popular culture. If accurately shown at all, it is usually in the form of a personable “rags-to-riches” (poor-to-rich) story, which, while true in some limited cases, is not very common in the real world. This also serves to gives false hope to those in poverty around the world and in the US.
The last major exported inaccuracy is the depiction of religious life. The vast majority of Americans are religious, and this does not usually show up in major films.
It is easily understood that films do not exist to educate people. They exist to make money, for the most part, and one should not expect this to change any time soon. It is, however, unfortunate, when what most understand as being fiction is misconstrued as depicting reality.
- Questions 1 through 5 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter A, B, C, or D)
- According to this article, Americans in real-life are:
- more religious, less diverse, and less wealthy than shown in films.
- less religious, less diverse, and wealthier than shown in films.
- poorer, more religious and more diverse than shown in films.
- more diverse, less wealthy, and less religious than shown in films.
- For what reason are “rags-to-riches” stories likely so common?
- Wealthy directors and actors are not interested in stories about poor people
- Poverty is unsolvable so it is pointless to address it
- People like to see unusual tales and poverty is not considered unusual
- Such stories are pleasant and more appealing to audiences
- According to the text, what kinds of movies accurately depict the racial composition of America?
- The majority of Hollywood films
- Movies about the film industry
- “Rags-to-riches” stories
- None of the above
- Who is most likely the author’s target audience?
- Filmmakers
- People outside of America
- The film industry
- The poor, the religious and minorities
- According to the text, the author most likely agree that films are:
- a valuable, if flawed, way to learn about different cultures.
- exclusively for entertainment purposes.
- informative on issues such as poverty, race and religion.
- usually an accurate educational tool.
Speaking 10th form 2017
ROUND IV. Усне мовлення, 10 клас.
In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.
- Human beings are social creatures. Making friends and interacting with others is important for our mental health and happiness.
– What is your attitude to friendship? What qualities do you consider to be the most important in a good friend?
– What characteristics and qualities do you look for in a friend? Can you be friends with everyone?
– There are people who prefer and are happy to be alone. Is it truly necessary to have friends to be happy?
- If you could have any job what would it be and why?
– How do your personality and personal interests affect your choice?
– How important is making a lot of money to you when deciding your dream job? Do you want to work abroad or stay in your home country?
– How important is your family and their opinions when deciding your dream job?
- Environmental issues are increasingly becoming bigger problems today. Mankind is polluting the environment in ways that may harm our future and cause irreversible consequences.
– Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
– What kinds of issues are causing environmental problems on our planet?
– What are some ways you would solve these problems?
- Leadership is a trait that is extremely valuable in any society. What makes a person a good leader?
– What personal characteristics should a good leader have?
– What kinds of ideas should a good leader have?
– Are there any disadvantages in being a leader?
- Many people disagree about the secret of having a healthy body. Different food diets, exercise routines and vitamins are just some of the things that are recommended.
– What do you think are the keys to a healthy lifestyle and a long life? Why?
– How could you present your advice to get people to follow it?
– Do you agree with the saying” You are what you eat.”?
- Hobbies are activities which help us escape the daily grind of life and work and give us pleasure and peace of mind. What activities do you find enjoyable when you are alone?
– Why is this activity so enjoyable to you? Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
– Do you feel it is important to have time to spend by yourself? Why?
– What activity would you recommend your friend to take up in his free time?
- There’s no question that some people play a significant role in your life. True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people.
– Who has been an influential person or role model in your life?
– What do you admire the most about this person? Why?
– What specific things have you learned from this person?
- A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.
– What real problems do teenagers face today?
– What can you say about generational gaps between you and your parents?
– Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect to older generations? Why?
- Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Moreover, society is now placing more importance on higher education than ever before.
– Why is education really important in every person’s live?
– What are the main reasons for people to be eager to get higher education?
– Many people value higher education only for monetary reasons. What is your opinion on the benefits of education?
- Each country takes pride in its own achievements and success. Every person should respect his nation and feel proud of his nation. What makes people feel proud of their country?
– What in particular makes you proud of your nation? What national traits do you consider to be special?
– Name some of the unique customs or traditions which Ukrainians have managed to preserve.
– What is your attitude to the situation in our country at present?
- What kind of life can a child born in 2050 expect? How different live would be?
– What dramatical changes the world might experience? What should we be afraid of?
– What positive aspects of future life come to your mind? State some optimistic predictions and reasons.
– What are your personal expectations about future? Do you feel more optimistic or pessimistic about future?
- Imagine that you have become a finalist of Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) and are going to spend a year in the USA
– What would you tell your host family about yourself?
– How would you describe your family to them?
– What are your favourite activities in your free time?
- Many people around the world think that “volunteer work” is a valuable thing, but some people think it is a waste of time.
- Give your opinion about “volunteer work”.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of “volunteer work” for a community?
- Why you think most people volunteer? What motivates them?
- People usually play music that reflects their mood.
- What genre of music do you usually listen to?
- What type of music do you listen to in different emotional states?
- Do you think music allows you to deal with your emotions?
- Social networking websites like Instagram and Facebook are incredibly popular, but some are concerned that young people are being too free with their personal information.
- What information about yourself are you comfortable with sharing on the Internet.
- Do you think people are being careless about their private lives?
- What are the possible consequences, good or bad, of so much online sharing?
- Art has long been described as the truest form of self-expression and depicting the complicated world around us.
- What form of art means the most to you and why?
- What specific work of art especially reflects something about you and how you think and feel?
- Describe how it represents you and your thoughts.
- Learning a language is a long and sometimes frustrating process. Although for some people it is actually quite simple and they learn it quickly. Are you one of these people?
- How much work do you put into learning a language?
- Why do you think people learn English?
- What advice can you give to someone who is having trouble learning a language?
- Tastes in reading differ as in everything else.
- Is it important to read nowadays in the time of high technologies?
- Why do you read?
- What kinds of books do you prefer?
- What makes a book exciting to read – its plot, its author’s style, love theme in it, characters taken from real life or something else?
- If you could either live in a city or in the country for the rest of your life where would you choose and why?
- How would your choice affect your future career?
- Compare your choice with where you live now. Will your life be different or the same?
- Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of your choice.
- Ukraine is a nation made up of different traditions and cultural styles.
- Describe these differences briefly to a person who knows little of Ukraine’s diversity.
- What traditions are you most proud of?
- Please describe them and explain why they are important to you
Writing 10th form 2017
Round III Творча письмова робота, 10 клас
In this Test you will select from the three tasks written on the board one which you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
- Many people have role models or people they look up to in their life. Who is your role model? What makes you a personality?
- Tourism is the biggest industry of the world. What are positive and negative things about it?
- “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” – Buddha
Listening 11th form 2017
From “Failure Is an Option” by Hannah Bloch, National Geographic Magazine, September 2013
At the end of the 19th century a middle-aged Swedish engineer, a patent officer captivated by the promise and possibilities of technology, came up with a radical idea: Why not fly in a hydrogen balloon to become the first to discover the North Pole, a place that at that time was as mysterious and unknown as Mars? For years explorers had attempted to reach the Pole overland; many died trying. An air expedition, Salomon August Andrée reasoned, would eliminate much of the risk. And so, on a windy day in July 1897, with support from Alfred Nobel and Sweden’s king, Andrée and two younger colleagues climbed into the basket of a 67-foot-diameter balloon on Danes Island in the Svalbard archipelago. The team packed wooden sledges, food for several months, carrier pigeons to relay messages, even a tuxedo Andrée hoped to wear at the end of the journey. As journalists and well-wishers cheered and waved, they soared into the air, aiming to float to a place no human had seen.
As soon as they lifted off, wind battered the balloon. Fog froze on it, weighing it down. For 65 and a half hours the Eagle skittered along, sometimes grazing the Arctic Ocean. Thirty-three years later, sealers stumbled across the frozen corpses of Andrée and his crew—along with their cameras and diaries, which revealed that they’d been forced to land on pack ice 298 miles from the North Pole. The three had perished during a grueling three-month trek south.
Failure—never sought, always dreaded, impossible to ignore—is the specter that hovers over every attempt at exploration. Yet without the sting of failure to spur us to reassess and rethink, progress would be impossible. Today there is growing recognition of the importance of failure. Educators ponder how to make kids more comfortable with it. Business schools teach its lessons. Psychologists study how we cope with it, usually with an eye toward improving the chance of success. Indeed, the very word “success” is derived from the Latin succedere, “to come after”—and what it comes after, yes, is failure. One cannot exist without the other. Oceanographer Robert Ballard, a veteran of 130 undersea expeditions and discoverer of the Titanic, calls this interplay the yin yang of success and failure.
Andrée’s balloon expedition was cutting-edge for its day, and fail it did, but “you don’t know until you try in aviation,” a historian of science at Norway’s University of Tromsø, points out. Improved technology ultimately helped solve the problems of Arctic aviation and has opened countless other doors. But even Ballard, whose major discoveries were aided by robots, notes that technology “doesn’t make everything possible.”
And that’s a good thing. “If you take away uncertainty, you take away motivation,” says mountain climber Pete Athans. “Wanting to exceed your grasp is the nature of the human condition. There’s no magic to getting where we already know we can get.”
From “Failure Is an Option” by Hannah Bloch,National Geographic Magazine, September 2013
Statements 1 through 10 (on your answer sheet circle + if the statement is true, – if it is false).
- Another possible title for this text could be “The Quest to Reach the North Pole”.
- Andrée came up with his “radical idea” in the 1900s.
- Andrée’s expeditionwasbackedby prominent Swedes.
- The bodies of Andrée and his crew were ultimately found by a group of sealers who had been hoping to solve the mystery of their disappearance.
- Andrée was not able to personally explain in detail how his exploration had ended and how long it had taken.
- The author would most likely agree with the English expression, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.”
- Andrée’s expedition flew from Danes Island on a windy day in June 1897.
- According to Pete Athans, the absence of uncertainty woulddiscourage the ambitions of some people.
- The phrase “skittered along, sometimes grazing the Arctic Ocean” could be reworded as “skimmed and occasionally touched the Arctic Ocean”.
- Oceanographer Robert Ballard believes that technology is the solution for all problems in exploration.
Questions 11 through 20 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter A, B, C, or D).
- The mention of Andrée’s tuxedo in the first paragraph most likely serves the purpose of:
- demonstratingAndrée’s confidence.
- illustratingAndrée’s poor planning.
- providing colorful but irrelevant details about Andrée’s expedition.
- lampooning Andrée’s amateurism.
- The text mentions that all the of following items were brought byAndrée and his team on their expedition EXCEPT:
- cameras
- eagles
- wooden sleighs
- pigeons
- The line “Failure…is the specter that hovers over every attempt at exploration” most likely means that:
- failure is a sad reality which, like death, is inevitable in all exploration.
- the fear of failure haunts explorers like a ghost and hurts their chances of success.
- failure is anever-present possibility in the back of every explorer’s mind.
- the possibility of failure is an unreal distraction best ignored by explorers.
- According to the text, Andrée’s expedition had difficulty flying their balloon because:
- they had packed too many items and the balloon was too heavy.
- they had not chosen the right kind of balloon for their task.
- they were patent officers without any real exploring experience.
- the balloon was encumbered by the freezing temperatures.
- As it is used in the sentence “The three had perished in a grueling three-month trek south”, a good synonym for the word “grueling” would be:
- According to the text, failure is currently thought of as:
- the result of incompetence or unpreparedness.
- an important learning experience.
- essentially identical to success.
- something that stands in the way of progress.
- According to the text, what is the relationship between the words “success” and “succedere”?
- The word “success”comes from the word “succedere”.
- The words “success” and “succedere” are synonyms.
- The word “succedere” is an antonym for the word “success”.
- The word “succedere” is an old and outdated form of the word “success”.
- According to the text, which of the following is NOT true about Robert Ballard?
- He has gone on over one hundred underwater expeditions.
- He discovered the remains of the Titanic.
- He developed important aviation technology.
- He used robots in his ocean exploration.
- According to the article, failure is significant because:
- it shows us our realistic and insurmountable limits.
- it forces us to rethink and reassess our tactics.
- it hinders our chances of success.
- it is always a possibility.
- A historian suggests that “in aviation”:
- technology is not very important.
- anything is possible with the right technology and preparation.
- it isn’t clear whether or not something will work until it is attempted.
- there is no way to know what can be achieved.
TEXT 1: Selfishness
It can be a difficult truth to come to terms with, but people are selfish. “Logical selfishness”, however, is not nearly as bad as it sounds, really!
Selfishness, in this sense, simply means improving your own status (and not, necessarily, to anyone else’s detriment). Looking at the underlying motivation behind nearly all actions reveals this to be true, in nearly all circumstances, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Even great acts of charity, such as those exhibited by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, are more than likely driven by their desire to leave a legacy, with the added benefit of helping people. If they are religious, they may be motivated by their religious views to give the vast majority of their wealth away, if that is what their religion requests of them. Either way, the world is being changed, for the better, and it is primarily due to these two men, and many more like them, being selfish.
However, as mentioned, there is the occasional “true altruist”, who feels compelled to help others, even if it is to his or her own detriment. They do not seek fame, religious favor, happiness, or even the natural joy that comes from helping others. Selflessness, as explained here, is very, very rare, however, and may not even actually exist. Unfortunately, only they can know why they really sacrifice everything for others, but, as we are not them, we will never know their true motivation. Ignoring these outliers, however, reveals an overall, global society that is not primarily concerned with others’, but, in the process of selfishness, great things can be done, and great relationships can be formed.
Questions 1 through 5 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter A, B, C, or D)
- According to the text, why is selfishness not necessarily a bad thing?
- Because true altruism probably doesn’t exist
- Acting in one’s own self-interest can lead to positive results for others, too
- Selfishness is about helping yourself to the detriment to everyone else
- Those who are selfish don’t have to sacrifice anything
- What would be a good alternative title for this text?
- “The Charity of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet”
- “A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Selfishness”
- “A Study of the Causes of Altruism”
- “The Unexpected Benefits of Selfishness”
- According to the text, why are people fundamentally selfish?
- Helping others isn’t advantageous
- Acts of altruism are impossible
- People want to do what makes them feel good and/or improves their status
- People are not fundamentally selfish
- Why would the author say altruism happens?
- It is nearly impossible to say
- Such people are mentally imbalanced
- True acts of altruism never occur
- People are inspired by their religion
- What is the author’s primary purpose in this text?
- To explain the benefits rich people get when they give to charity
- To present the idea that there can be positive outcomes of selfishness
- To persuade the audience to become more charitable
- To report on various personality types and their affect on society
Excerpt from “How Soccer Explains the World” by Franklin Foer, 2010
More than any football club in the world, Chelsea -Alan Garrison’s favorite club – has been transformed by globalization and gentrification. It went from the club most closely identified with hooliganism in the eighties to the club most identified with cosmopolitanism in the nineties. The real estate development of the club’s stadium, Stamford Bridge, was only a piece of this. Gentrification could be seen on the pitch, too. Chelsea hired a string of Italian and Dutch eminences to coach the team and leave their flashy foreign imprints. Under their stewardship, Chelsea earned the distinction of becoming the first club in England to field a squad that contained not a single Englishman. Their new panache exacerbated the trend toward the cosmopolitan, attracting a boatload of foreign investment. The Middle Eastern airline Air Emirates began advertising on its jersey. In 2003, the second richest man in Russia, a Jewish oil magnate called Roman Abramovich, bought a majority stake in the club and began to spend his fortune constructing a championship-caliber team. To many, Alan included, these improvements felt like a nasty swipe at the club’s working-class base, as if the team had dropped its most loyal fans for the ephemeral affiliations of the trend-conscious. Of the many changes, there was a single moment that hurt most. In 1983, Chelsea’s chairman Ken Bates proposed encasing fans in a 12-volt electrical fence that would shock them if they ever attempted to escape their pen. “They would have treated us as badly as animals,” Alan says. Only intervention by the local government prevented this plan from going into action. But the public relations damage had been done.
QUESTIONS 1 through 5 (on your answer sheet circle the correct letter А, В, C, or D).
- Which of the statements below best describes Alan Garrison?
- A) He is the chairman of the Chelsea football club.
- B) He is the second richest man in Russia.
- C) He is a loyal working-class fan of the Chelsea football club.
- D) He is a local government leader in Chelsea.
- What was the reputation of the Chelsea football club before the 1990s?
- A) It was identified with cosmopolitanism.
- B) Its fans were seen as working-class hooligans.
- C) It was an international team with Italian and Dutch coaches and no English players.
- D) It was a championship-caliber team.
- The club has dropped its traditional fans in favor of ……
- A) sponsors
- B) new fashionable fans
- C) men
- D) the political establishment
- What was the most significant betrayal for loyal Chelsea fans? A) The loyal government didn’t agree to the fans’ wishes.
- B) Proposal of an electric fence.
- C) Raising ticket prices.
- D) Signing foreign coaches and players.
- Which of the following titles would best fit the article?
- A) “The Hooligans of Chelsea”
- B) “Stepping Into a Globalized Future, Chelsea Leaves Some Fans Behind”
- C) “Russians, Italians, the Dutch and Arabs: Everybody Wants a Piece of Chelsea”
- D) “Chelsea’s Public Relations Nightmare”
Text 3
When Kimberly Mays was nine years old, her father Robert told her some terrible news: He and his late wife Barbara were not Kimberly’s biological parents.
Her biological parents were Ernest and Regina Twigg, who lived in Pennsylvania. In 1988, the Twigg’s daughter Arlena died of a heart defect. Blood tests revealed that Arlena and Kimberly, who were both born in the same rural hospital in Florida, had been switched at birth. Thus, the girl who died, Arlena, was actually the Mayses’ biological daughter and Kimberly was actually the Twiggs’ biological daughter.
Once they knew the truth, the Twiggs sought more contacts with Kimberly. In a1989 agreement, the Twiggs agreed not to seek custody of Kimberly in return for visitation rights. After only five visits, Robert called off the visits because they were causing severe emotional distress in the Mayses’ home. The Twiggs sued for custody, but they lost in state court. Not wanting to give their daughter up, the Twiggs decided to appeal to a high court.
Kimberly, who was fourteen at that time, decided enough was enough. She wanted to make the Twiggs leave her alone. She went to court in order to terminate the Twiggs rights as her natural parents. In effect, she wanted to divorce her parents.
True or false?
- The story was made possible doe to a certain error.
- According to the story, the news must have been frustrating.
- The truth came out thanks to some court decision.
- Due to routine procedure the truth came out.
- The word “custody” could best be replaced with guardianship.
Speaking 11 th form 2017
Round III. Говоріння 11 клас
In this test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic.The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.
- The world is getting smaller every day. Countries and people from all over the world are staying connected through technology.
- Do you agree with the statement? If so, why?
- Is technology always a good thing?
- What is the outcome of the world connecting together?
- There are hundreds of countries in the world today, each with its own culture and people. Countries must work together on a global scale everyday to be successful.
- What are some ways Ukraine must work with other nations?
- Why do some countries not like the idea of being friendly with the world?
- What does internationalism mean to you?
- People are traveling more and more today. With improvements in technology and tourism developing around the world, people are traveling to far and exotic places.
- Where do you want to travel on vacation?
- Why do some people prefer to travel to faraway places?
- Is global tourism always a good thing? What are some advantages and disadvantages of increased tourism and travel?
- Comment on the following “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ―Malcolm X
- How to you think educated people are needed nowadays?
- What benefits can education provide?
- What is your plan about education?
- Happiness is an emotion that all people feel at some point in their life. It is vital to have happiness in order to live a healthy life.
- When do you feel you’re happy? And how do you find happiness when you are sad?
- Do you think it is possible to be happy every day?
- Do you think there is a connection with happiness and how much money you have?
- Comment on the following “I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” ― K. Rowling
- Is it important to read nowadays in the time of high technologies?
- Why do you read?
- What kinds of books do you prefer?
- What makes a book exciting to read – its plot, its author’s style, love theme in it, characters taken from real life or something else?
- Films, TV and other forms of media have spread all across the world. Millions of people watch popular sitcoms and movies every
- Do you like to watch movies and other forms of media?
- What are some ways that the media can influence people?
- Is it possible for the media to deceive people?
- The 20th century was dominated by advances in technology, most notably the invention of the computer and its widespread use across the planet.
- What do you think about technology and modernization?
- What advantages and disadvantages of modernization do you see and foresee?
9 . There are 192 countries in the world. How can people from different countries communicate?
- What languages are considered to be the languages of international communication?
- What criteria does an international language have?
- Do you think the world should adopt a universal language? Do you think a universal language will help international communication?
- Leadership is a trait that is extremely valuable in any society. What makes a person a good leader?
– What personal characteristics should a good leader have?
– What kinds of ideas should a good leader have?
– Are there any disadvantages in being a leader?
- Ukraine is more than 25 years old as a country. It is still developing and emerging into the world.
- What do you see for the future of Ukraine?
- What future do you want for Ukraine?
- How can this future be realized?
- Many people around the world think that “volunteer work” is a valuable thing, but some people think it is a waste of time.
- Give your opinion about “volunteer work”.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of “volunteer work” for a community?
- Why you think most people volunteer? What motivates them?
- All of us have personal goals and dreams that we want to make come true. But life presents many challenges that can make it difficult and prevent us from achieving our dream.
- Do you have a goal or dream you want to make come true?
- What challenges have you encountered or continue to encounter in trying to make your dream come true?
- What motivates you to continue when things become too difficult?
- Human beings are social creatures. Making friends and interacting with others is important for our mental health and happiness.
- How do you choose your friends? What characteristics and qualities do you look for in a friend?
- Can you be friends with everyone? Why or why not?
- There are people who prefer and are happy to be alone. Is it truly necessary to have friends to be happy?
- Many teenagers love listening to music.
- Why does music play important role in the life of teenagers?
- What kinds of music are the most favourite among teenagers and why?
- What band or singer evokes your admiration
- 16. If you could have any job what would it be and why?
- How does your personality and personal interests affect your choice?
- How important is making a lot of money to you when deciding your dream job? Do you want to work abroad or stay in your home country?
- How important is your family and their opinions when deciding your dream job?
- Advertising is said to encourage us to buy more and more. On the other hand, advertisements help to choose new products that may improve our lives.
- Are you much influenced by adverts?
- Do you rely on them while making your choice about the purchase?
- 18. If you were the richest person in the world, what would you choose to do with your money?
- What would you spend your money on?
- Would you donate any of your money to charities, organizations that help other people, or research for medical cures?
- “Money can’t buy happiness.” Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Could you truly be happy if you were rich?
- 19. Environmental issues are increasingly becoming bigger problems Mankind is polluting the environment in ways that may harm our future and cause irreversible consequences.
- Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
- What kinds of issues are causing environmental problems in Ukraine? Europe? The world?
- What are some ways you would solve these problems?
- Some people say that extreme sports help to build the character, while others believe that extreme sports are a foolish thing to do as the athletes are at an increased risk of serious injuries.
– Would you want to try any of extreme sports?
– Do you like to watch them as a spectator?
– Do you think they really are sports or are the people who do them just crazy?
Writing 11th form 2017
Round III Творча письмова робота, 11 клас
In this Test you will select from the three tasks written on the board one which you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
- People should lift their heads from their computer and phone screens and start living life. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” — Elizabeth Andrew
- Do you agree with the quote: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela)?
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