Відділ освіти Балтської райдержадміністрації
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НВК «Балтська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №3-колегіум»
Відкритий урок з англійської мови у 9 класі «У світі мистецтва»
Методична розробка
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НВК «Балтська ЗОШ І-ІІІ
ст. №3-колегіум»
Лойтаренко О.П.
Тип уроку: урок розвитку мовленнєвих навичок та узагальнення лексичного матеріалу
- практикувати у вживанні тематичної лексики в усному та писемному мовленні
- удосконалювати навички аудіювання
- удосконалювати навички вивчаючого читання
- розвивати навички усного та писемного мовлення – опис картини
- розширити знання учнів про найвидатніші твори мистецтва, художників, галереї
- формувати уявлення учнів про вплив мистецтва на життя людей, їх культуру
- розвивати зацікавленість у вивченні культур інших країн
- розвивати навички соціокультурної компетенції
- розвивати навички роботи в парах та групах
- формувати вміння складати та презентувати групові завдання
- розвивати навички самостійної роботи
- виховувати повагу до інших культур
- розвивати почуття прекрасного
- виховувати почуття культури спілкування
Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, тематичні малюнки, НМК “New Opportunities. Pre-Intermediate”, відеофрагмент “Word on the Street”
Хід уроку:
- I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
- Повідомлення теми та мети уроку: Our today’s talk is about the world of beauty, colour, emotions and passion. It is the world that attracts and surprises most of all. It is the world that helps people from different cultures understand each other and express their everyday’s feelings freely. It’s the world of art. When I was walking to school today I was thinking about the autumn pictures I would try to paint if I were an artist. Just do the same and imagine yourselves as artists. Which colours and style would you choose to describe the late autumn weather we’re having?
Lesson Motto: Art is long, life is short (in Latin: Ars longa, vita brevis) – Do you agree with it?
- Мовленнєва розминка.
- a) When you’re speaking about arts which words can you associate with it? (on Board)
- a) write three words to each of the category (in Ex.-books and on Board)
- b) Checking the Home task – sentences with relative pronouns – Find the words connected with arts and read the sentences for the rest to guess (“Guess game”)
- II. Основна частина
- Активізація лексичного матеріалу та розвиток навичок читання.
Before–talk: Do you know which of the famous paintings are considered to be the world top 5? Maybe you can name the most important artists of all the times?
Introduction of the world top 5: (using the ppt)
- Mona Lisa – Leonardo da Vinci
- The Scream – Edvard Munch
- Sunflowers – Vincent Van Gogh
- Guernica – Pablo Picasso
- Poppies in a Field – Claude Monet
Control: orally
Робота з лексичним матеріалом: a)Matching the words with paintings (ppt) – in pairs (HO)
Control: orally+ppt
- b) Matching the words with their definitions (in pairs)
Control: orally+ppt
- Розвиток усного мовлення. All of these paintings and more others can be seen at the famous museums and galleries. Have you ever been to any of them? Some of you have made a virtual visit to the world famous collections’ homes and are going to tell you about them. (a report about a visit to the Van Gogh and Amsterdam History Museum)
- 3. Розвиток вивчаючого та пошукового читання. Учні поділяються на чотири групи. Кожна група отримує завдання: прочитати інфо з туристичного довідника та заповнити таблицю відповідною інформацією. (the British Museum, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate Gallery)
Контроль: презентація групового завдання (інші переписують в зошити).
+ дискусія – Which one would you visit if you could go to London? Why?
- Розвиток навичок читання та активізація лексичного матеріалу. (відео фрагмент “Word on the Street”)
Pre-listening: introduction of the new vocabulary (Matching – in pairs)
Control: as a whole class orally
While-listening: individual task – choose the correct answer + complete the sentences
Control: self-assessment (ppt)
+ Discussion: Is pop-up gallery a good idea for Ukraine? Which artists/paintings would you choose for your pop-up gallery?
IIІ. Заключна частина
- Підведення підсумків. Which words can be added to the mind-map? What opinions do you have now as to the quotation “Life is short, art is long”? Has it changed?
- Оцінювання, мотивація
- Домашнє завдання (individual project)
- Home Task: Write a note to invite your friend to an art exhibition (about 30 words)
- *Write a letter to your pen-friend about your visiting the art gallery (about 100 words)
- ** Make your own world top 5s
- B) Which painting? Write the name of the paintings from A in the correct place.
1___________This still life painting of flowers in a vase is one of the artist’s most recognisable works.
2 _______________The enigmatic smile of this portrait has captured the imagination of the world. It has been stolen twice and now it is displayed in the Louvre, Paris.
3 _______________This landscape shows how the Impressionists depict the beauty and simplicity of nature.
4 _______________ This is an abstract painting that symbolises the anguish and pain of modern life.
5 _____________ This monochrome painting has become a reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. The painter is famous for his cubist style.
- C) Match the underlined words in task B with the definitions.
1 Not realistic ___________
2 A picture showing an expanse of scenery. ___________
3 Painters who use colour to capture the feeling of a scene rather than specific details. __________
4 Of one colour or shades of one colour __________
5 Picture of a person __________
6 A style of art that depicts objects as geometric shapes that are seen from many different angles at the same time __________
7 A picture of inanimate everyday objects __________
- B) Which painting? Write the name of the paintings from A in the correct place.
1___________This still life painting of flowers in a vase is one of the artist’s most recognisable works.
2 _______________The enigmatic smile of this portrait has captured the imagination of the world. It has been stolen twice and now it is displayed in the Louvre, Paris.
3 _______________This landscape shows how the Impressionists depict the beauty and simplicity of nature.
4 _______________ This is an abstract painting that symbolises the anguish and pain of modern life.
5 _____________ This monochrome painting has become a reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. The painter is famous for his cubist style.
- C) Match the underlined words in task B with the definitions.
1 Not realistic ___________
2 A picture showing an expanse of scenery. ___________
3 Painters who use colour to capture the feeling of a scene rather than specific details. __________
4 Of one colour or shades of one colour __________
5 Picture of a person __________
6 A style of art that depicts objects as geometric shapes that are seen from many different angles at the same time __________
7 A picture of inanimate everyday objects __________
1. Preparation: matching | |||
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – f next to the number 1 – 6. | |||
1…….. | the public | a. | just now becoming successful and well known |
2…….. | permanent | b. | to put something in a place where it can be seen by other people |
3…….. | emerging | c. | already successful or well known |
4…….. | to display | d. | fixed and staying there forever |
5…….. | informal | e. | ordinary people in general |
6…….. | established | f. | relaxed, friendly and without many rules |
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice. Circle the correct answers. | ||
1. In which city were the galleries shown in the video? |
a. London | b. Manchester | c. Belfast |
2. How long do pop-up galleries usually stay open for? |
a. a few hours | b. a few days | c. a few months |
3. Pop-up galleries display work by what kind of artists? |
a. classic artists | b. established artists | c. emerging artists |
4. If the pop-up galleries weren’t there, how would these buildings be used? |
a. They’d be shops. | b. They’d be empty. | c. They’d be houses. |
5. What did the visitors to the gallery think of it? |
a. They all liked it. | b. Some of them liked it but some didn’t. | c. They all disliked it. |
6. Why did Laura decide to display her work in a pop-up gallery? |
a. because she’s a friend of the owner | b. because the artwork sells for a higher price there | c. because it’s difficult to display her work in established galleries |
3. Check your grammar: gap fill – phrasal verbs | |||||||
Complete the gaps with a word from the box. | |||||||
up | down | on | |||||
out | up | in | |||||
1. | pop _______________ = appear very quickly and suddenly
2. | pop _______________ = go into a building for a short time
3. | set _______________ = prepare something so it is ready to be used
4. | take _______________ = employ someone to do work for you
5. | help _______________ = help someone do a particular task
6. | close _______________ = stop doing business permanently
1. Preparation: matching | |||||||
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – f next to the number 1 – 6. | |||||||
1…….. | the public | a. | just now becoming successful and well known | ||||
2…….. | permanent | b. | to put something in a place where it can be seen by other people | ||||
3…….. | emerging | c. | already successful or well known | ||||
4…….. | to display | d. | fixed and staying there forever | ||||
5…….. | informal | e. | ordinary people in general | ||||
6…….. | established | f. | relaxed, friendly and without many rules | ||||
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice. Circle the correct answers. | ||
1. In which city were the galleries shown in the video? |
a. London | b. Manchester | c. Belfast |
2. How long do pop-up galleries usually stay open for? |
a. a few hours | b. a few days | c. a few months |
3. Pop-up galleries display work by what kind of artists? |
a. classic artists | b. established artists | c. emerging artists |
4. If the pop-up galleries weren’t there, how would these buildings be used? |
a. They’d be shops. | b. They’d be empty. | c. They’d be houses. |
5. What did the visitors to the gallery think of it? |
a. They all liked it. | b. Some of them liked it but some didn’t. | c. They all disliked it. |
6. Why did Laura decide to display her work in a pop-up gallery? |
a. because she’s a friend of the owner | b. because the artwork sells for a higher price there | c. because it’s difficult to display her work in established galleries |
3. Check your grammar: gap fill – phrasal verbs | |||
Complete the gaps with a word from the box. | |||
up | down | on | |
out | up | in | |
1. | pop _______________ = appear very quickly and suddenly
2. | pop _______________ = go into a building for a short time
3. | set _______________ = prepare something so it is ready to be used
4. | take _______________ = employ someone to do work for you
5. | help _______________ = help someone do a particular task
6. | close _______________ = stop doing business permanently
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