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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 8th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students
- Cooking, making the beds, ironing and tidying up are just a few examples of household chores. Can you think of any other chores you do to keep your house clean?
- Who does which household chores in your family?
- Which chores do you do? Which do you most or least like?
- Do you ever ask for help? Are you ever asked to help?
- Think about the most important values in your family. What are those values?
- Which of the values were you taught as a child?
- Which of the values do you agree/disagree with?
- Which would you teach your children?
- They say children are worse today than a generation ago.
- Do you agree/disagree with the idea? Why?
- What are the typical qualities of the younger generation?
- What does it mean to ‘spoil’ a child?
- A little forward planning can save you a lot of time and expense. Do you think
- Do you usually plan your working day, your weekend and your free time?
- Who do you discuss your plans or hopes for the future with?
- What are your plans for this evening?
- What’s in the news today?
- Do you watch a regular television or radio programme that gives you reports of recent events? Are you interested in local or national news more?
- Why do you think the Englishmen say ‘no news is good news’?
- What is the most wonderful news you have ever had?
- People in Britain and Ireland eat a lot of international food. But traditional British and Irish food is also popular.
- Do you know any traditional dishes from Britain? Describe them. Do you think they are tasty?
- What traditional dishes does our country have? Do you like eating them?
- Do the Ukrainians eat food from the other parts of the world? The traditional cuisine of which European country do you find the most delicious one?
- Talk about where you live in. Is it a village, town or city?
- Do you like it? Why/why not?
- Which place is your favourite one in your village, town or city?
- Have you got any cafes or leisure centres near your home?
- Where is your perfect home? Is it in a village, town or city?
- What type of house is it? What rooms and furniture does it have?
- Is the area noisy or quiet? Is it relaxing or exciting?
- What can you do in the area?
- Boys and girls do a lot of different sports. Extreme sports seem to be popular among teenagers nowadays. Do you think so?
- What sport(s) are you into? Can you do any sport in your school?
- Do you like watching sports on TV? If yes, which one?
- Are you fond of team or individual sports more?
- Perhaps the most important event in human history in recent years is the
invention of the internet.
- What are the advantages of the invention?
- Do you often surf the net? What for?
- Is surfing the net and sending emails part of everyday life for your parents and grandparents?
- People become musicians for different reasons. Some want to become famous.
Others want to make beautiful music or change the world.
- Which famous musician do you respect because of his/her environmental, social or political work? Describe his/her life and what he/she does.
- Which music style do the Ukrainian teenagers typically like? Why?
- Are you keen on music? Are you a classical music lover?
- People love celebrating holidays because they usually have a wide choice of
entertainment then.
- What holiday is a very important time for the Ukrainians? Why?
- What do the people do on this holiday?
- Do we have any special decorations in our houses on this holiday? What is the symbol of the holiday?
- Have you ever been on a beach or camping holiday? What other types of
holidays can you think of ?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of an activity holiday?
- Have you ever been to a summer camp? What was it like?
- How do you usually spend your summer holidays?
- English is the language of international communication in many areas of life:
trade, air and sea transport, tourism, sport and entertainment.
- What are you learning the English language for? Do you think the knowledge of English will provide you with more opportunities in life?
- What other European languages would you like to master? Why?
- Do you think communication skills are important nowadays?
- Many students have problems with difficult subjects. Do you?
- Which school subject is the most difficult for you? Why?
- Which subject is your favourite one? Why?
- Which subjects do you think should be obligatory at school? Which subjects should be optional?
- Are you willing to try new things or take risks? If yes, then you are an
adventurous person.
- What professions suit a person who is an adventurous one?
- If you could go on an adventure holiday to any place on the planet, which place would it be?
- Do you like reading adventure stories?
- A recent survey about European teenagers says that reading – books, magazines,
blogs – is the favourite activity of a quarter of the teenagers.
- Which of the above-mentioned things do you like reading most these days? Why?
- What books did you use to like as a child?
- What book are you reading at the moment?
- Are you a frequent cinemagoer? Have you watched any good films recently?
- What types of films do you like watching at leisure?
- Who is your favorite film actor/actress? Why?
- Would you like to make a film about your life? Why/why not? Which actor /actress would you choose to act as you, your parents, friends and why?
- It is natural to be nervous before an important event in your life.
- Which event in your life has been the most exciting one? Why?
- Which historic event has been the most famous one over the last ten years? How did you feel then?
- Which future event are you most interested to be present at or take part in? Why?
- Ukraine is a wonderful country. It is known for its beautiful landscapes.
- Which region in your country is the area of natural beauty? Why?
- What are the main tourist destinations in your region? Describe any of them.
- Which seasons are the most favourable for sightseeing and travelling in your country?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 8th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students
- Many people think that mobile phones are not really important gadgets for teenagers; they are just expensive “toys” that teenagers use for fun and nothing more. What do you think?
Write an article to a school newspaper. Express your point of view on the subject.
Use the following questions as a plan:
- Do you have a mobile phone or would you like to have one?
- How do you use it?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone?
This is the title of your article:
Mobile Telephone: a Technological Wonder or an Expensive Toy?
- In recent decades we have become more aware of all the problems that humans
have created for the Earth. Acid rain, the greenhouse effect and deforestation are
only some of the environmental issues that were unknown three decades ago.
Write an article to a local newspaper. Describe the factors contributing to the
environmental destruction of the place where you live. Use the following
questions as a plan:
- Why do people have more health problems?
- Why do people cut down forests?
- What industrial practices and accidents harm the environment?
- What do you think is to be done to stop the process of pollution?
- The editor of the school magazine has asked you to write a review about a film/cartoon you have recently watched. While writing your review:
- give background information (title, name of director, type, setting etc.),
- give a brief summary of the plot,
- say why you think other viewers might enjoy it,
- recommend the others to watch it.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 11th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 11th Form Student
- Have you been to the cinema recently? What film did you watch?
- Who is your favourite actor/actress? Why?
- What kind of films do you watch? What do you enjoy about them?
- Would you like to be an actor/actress? Why/why not?
- Doctors say that increasing numbers of patients are suffering neck and back pain
from spending too much time hunched over smartphones and tablet computers.
- What other problems may arise because of the increasing use of the gadgets?
- What can you use a smartphone or tablet computer for?
- Why do you think cafes which do not permit their visitors to use smartphones in have recently appeared abroad?
- Are you a shopaholic? Where do you usually do your shopping?
- Do you ever shop online?
- Do you buy environmentally-friendly products?
- Do you shop at charity shops?
- Some people say it is wrong to advertise unhealthy food on television. What do you
- Where do teenagers learn about the importance of healthy eating?
- Do you think it is easy for someone to change their eating habits?
- Which types of food do you like to eat? Is it fine to eat unhealthily sometimes?
- Schools are believed to play an important part in the socialization of children.
- What types of after school activities does your school run? Are you a member of a team or club at school?
- Have you ever been in a school performance, show or play?
- Have you ever represented your school in an event?
- “My home is my castle,” the Englishmen say. How do you understand it?
- What kind of flat or house do you live in? What improvements would you like to make to your home?
- Do you live in a burglar-friendly house?
- What are the most effective ways to discourage a burglar? What can make your neighbourhood a safer area to live in?
- The cost of air travel has decreased greatly making a trip abroad more affordable for
many people. However going abroad may involve some risk.
- What precautions need to be taken to relax and enjoy your travelling experience abroad?
- Why is travelling abroad popular with many people?
- If you could afford any trip abroad, what magnificent place would you visit? Why?
- Spending time with one’s closest friends is probably the best time ever.
- How often do you meet up with friends? Where do you go?
- What activities do you and your friends like to do?
- Are you a member of any clubs or teams? What do you like about taking part in the club or team mentioned?
- “The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a
neighbour,” Huber H. Humphrey once wrote.
- Do you get on with your neighbours?
- What do you like about your neighbourhood? If you had a chance, what would you change about your neighbourhood?
- Would you ever consider moving to a new neighbourhood?
- The local survey shows that it is not easy to find a well-paid full-time job in our
area. What job do you think suits you best?
- What is more important, job satisfaction or a high salary?
- What do you think the ideal working environment should be like?
- How important is it to learn about different jobs when you are at school? Why?
- Human medicine is continually confronting change and exploring alternative and
complimentary methods of treatment for people.
- Are you interested in a career in medicine? Do you think you can become a good doctor?
- The idea of changing the appearance of people’s faces and bodies sounds very attractive. Do you think plastic surgery is worth developing as a field of medicine?
- Do you know any outstanding Ukrainian doctor who contributed significantly to the development of the country’s medicine?
- Who in your opinion is the greatest sportsman/sportswoman Ukraine has?
- What sport does he/she do at the highest level? What is his/her greatest achievement?
- How did his/her background, education or coach mould him/her into an admirable sports personality?
- Is there anything interesting or unusual about the person? Justify your opinion.
- For several years now, everyone has been talking about travel that is friendly to the
- What does green travel imply?
- Is it easier for travel agents and tour operators to sell mass tourism or make all the green travel arrangements? Is ecotourism popular in Ukraine?
- Men travel faster now, but do you think they go to better things?
- Many people play sports because they are fun and help us keep fit.
- What do you think are the two best reasons to play sports?
- What can we learn from playing sports, either in a team or individually?
- What life lessons have you learned from playing sports?
- Among ten worst human fears are speaking before a group, heights, financial
problems, loneliness, dogs, flying etc.
- Is there anything you are afraid of? Is the fear groundless?
- A person who can speak well before a group can be very influential. What pieces of advice would you give to a person who is very clever and intelligent but can’t conquer his/her fear of speaking before a group?
- Can you think of a fearless person who may set an example of overcoming one’s fear?
- Fundraising is very popular nowadays. This way you can save or improve lives of
many people in need. Imagine you are the fundraiser of a programme which aims to
help young local athletes with great potential.
- Which sport would it be? Why?
- What fundraising ideas do you think you would use to support the programme?
- Have you had any experience of collecting money for a charity, a school party, the ill or wounded in the ATO? What was it like? If not, would you like to try it?
- HG Wells, the father of science fiction, is credited with inventing the time
machine in his 1895 story.
- If you could travel in time, what period would it be? In the future or the past?
- If you could travel back in time to stop an event from happening, what prevention would it be?
- Authors have dreamed of time travel for centuries. If you were to write a book or make a film about a time travel, would you send your traveller forward or back in time? What would the time travelling be like?
- What is trendy or fashionable now? Do you have anything that is fashionable?
- Can you think of a clothing trend that is fashionable nowadays? Is the trend popular with teenagers or adults?
- Is there a trend that you don’t like? Why?
- What kind of person should one be to become a trendsetter that is someone who starts a new fashion or makes it popular?
- Many celebrities come from a poor background and their success stories are a great source of motivation to teenagers who would appear to have few opportunities in life.
- Can a celebrity be a positive role model for a teenager? Give an example of somebody who has been inspired by a famous person going after his/her dreams and doing something constructive with his/her life.
- Who is your role model? What things do you admire about him/her?
- What qualities do you have to acquire or develop to be a role model for your future children?
- For some people hip hop is a violent form of music that promotes violence and Despite this thought, hip hop has gained in popularity over recent years.
- What other styles of music are popular with teenagers and have a huge fan base around the world. Why are they popular?
- What role can a favourite style of music play for a teenager? What form of music has a particular appeal to you?
- Is classical music popular with teenagers? Why/why not?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 11th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students
- Many young people start work before finishing their studies. Write an essay
giving the pros and cons of this situation.
- You have read an article about the plans of a construction company to build a supermarket instead of the park in your neighbourhood. You have decided to write to one of the major newspapers published in your city/town.
Write a letter to the editor of the English language newspaper in which you:
- say why you are writing,
- explain why the park is important for the local residents,
- explain why a supermarket is a need in the area,
- give your suggestion on this issue.
Don’t write any dates and addresses.
- Yesterday you watched a television programme. In the programme you heard parents saying that teenagers enjoy too much freedom nowadays. Write an article to your school English language magazine in which you tell the readers about the following points:
- getting freedom at home,
- the advantages and disadvantages of having freedom,
- the ways to build relationships between grown ups and teenagers,
- your attitude to curfew and the ways to deal with it.
The title of your article is “Too much freedom for teens?”
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 10th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students
- English-speaking countries are the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
- Which of the countries do you find the most exotic? Find reasons to justify your answer.
- Which country’s traditions and customs do you find the most interesting? Which of them would you like to be introduced in our country?
- Which English-speaking country would you like to visit and why?
- You learn about historical events and outstanding people in History lessons.
- Do you like the History lessons? What are the benefits of having them at school?
- Which outstanding figure in science, sport or other spheres of human activity do you find the most influential in the history of mankind?
- Who in your opinion has been the most prominent person in Ukraine’s history since its independence was proclaimed in 1991?
- The Ukrainian system of school education differs from the system of education in
other countries.
- What do the stages of education in our country imply?
- The knowledge of what subjects does studying at state schools provide you with?
- Besides compulsory subjects at your school which optional ones are useful in your opinion?
- School is your second home. Do you feel like spending a lot of time at school?
- How does your school look like? Is it fully or poorly equipped? Are the classrooms and the library computerized?
- Does the school offer a good all-round education? Are the students provided with a variety of extracurricular activities?
- What do you do to make your school better? What do you want to change?
- Ukraine is a large independent country. It has its own territory, government and state symbols.
- What countries does Ukraine border on land/on sea? Do your find the geographical position of Ukraine favourable to the development of the country?
- Which regions of Ukraine are the most urbanized and heavily industrialized ones? What natural resources are these parts of our country rich in?
- What can the other parts of Ukraine which are rural or have less developed industry offer to a Ukrainian citizen or a foreign tourist?
- Sports are very popular with the British. There are many famous sportsmen in
- Which sports are considered to be originally British ones? What skills or abilities do the people who do these sports acquire?
- Which of the sports immensely popular in Britain is only for people who are fit and eat a healthy diet?
- Do you think the UK managed to hold the summer 2012 Olympic Games in London successfully? What factors helped the British to make the Games unforgettable and exciting?
- Today everybody speaks of the importance of eating a healthy diet.
- What sort of food does a healthy diet imply?
- Have you ever been on a diet? What are the possible consequences of following a diet?
- What are the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise?
- Mass media have always played an important role in each society. Why?
- Which media are the most influential nowadays? Which of them is dying?
- What role models does the modern television suggest? Do the role models make a positive or negative influence on children or teenagers?
- What are the pros and cons of having Internet access at home?
- Computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, solar panels…The list of modern
inventions and equipment is enormous.
- In your opinion, do scientists invent more at present than they did in the
past? How can you explain this fact?
- Which of the modern inventions has changed our lives completely?
- If you could travel back in time which invention would you get rid of?
- People enjoy decorating their rooms in a way that reflects their personality.
- Which room is your favourite one? Why do you like it?
- How does this room reflect your personality?
- Is your room a high-tech one with a TV-set with many channels, a laptop, a computer or many other gadgets?
- Every nation has its cuisine. Eating habits of the Englishmen are world- known.
- What are they? Which of their traditional eating habits is the most outstanding one?
- Do you think the traditional cuisine of Britain is good for health?
- Which of the traditional Ukrainian meals would you advise the Englishmen to try?
- Many people like cinema immensely. Do you?
- What is your favourite film? When and where did the events in the film take place?
- Who are the main heroes of the film? Who starred in the film? Do you think their acting was brilliant?
- Whose work – of a director, a camera man, etc. contributed greatly to the success of the film? Why do you think so?
- Remember the last party you visited.
- Who gave the party? What did you celebrate?
- Where did the party take place? What did you do at the party?
- Did you enjoy the party? What excited you most of all at the party?
- Books have a positive influence on many peoples’ lives.
- What childhood books influenced you most?
- What do you think are the most important elements of a good story?
- If you could be any character from literature, who would you be and why?
- You have just won 10,000 dollars, and have decided to take a round-the-world trip.
- What countries will you visit? Why?
- Why are they important for you to see?
- Who would you take with you to see the world?
- You are about to go on a journey to another country for a year. You have enough room in your bag to take three mementos: two that represent Ukraine and one that represents your family and will remind you of home.
- What objects do you choose?
- Explain how each of these objects represents Ukraine.
- Explain what the importance of the third item is, and how it reminds you of home and your family.
- Every day millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as You Tube, Myspace,
Yahoo!Video, etc.
- Why have the video-hosting sites become so popular? How do their video clips influence society? Give examples.
- What kind of clips do you usually watch and why?
- What makes such sites different from television?
- The world is becoming increasingly urbanized.
- Why are more and more people living in cities?
- In the future, do you think people will live in the countryside?
- Does life in a city allow you to lead a sustainable lifestyle? Explain.
- Do you think the traditional roles of men and women are changing in Ukraine?
- How have men’s roles changed? What new roles do they have?
- What about women? What’s changed with them?
- Do you think these roles should change to meet the needs of present
times? Why?
- If you could become a character from any book or play that you have read, who
would that character be? Why would you choose this character?
- How would you act differently than the character acted?
- What period of time does this character live in?
- How would you adjust to living in this time period?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 10th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
Writing Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students
- Write an essay on the following topic: “Arts and Music are as important as major school subjects such as Maths, History and Science.” Use the prompts given below.
- Can students gain valuable skills in Arts lessons?
- How are the arts important to the society?
- If a student has no a good ear for music or a musical voice, what can he/she be taught in Music lessons?
- Write an article for your school newspaper in which you convince the readers of the importance of making the school a more attractive place to study at. Include the following:
- why it is important to keep your classroom and school clean
- what improvements can be suggested
- it would be easy if everyone just did their part.
- You are at the English courses and your English teacher has asked you to write a story entitled A Day to Remember. Include the following:
- When did the story take place? What happened?
- How did you feel on that day?
- What made the day unforgettable?
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test
For 9th Form Students
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students
- You are in London now. Your English friend is telling you about the beauty of the
capital. Include the information about:
- history of London,
- four parts of London, what they are famous for,
- sightseeing places.
- Clever alien beings from another galaxy have come to our planet. You are the first
representative of mankind they meet and they want to know about our planet. What
would you tell them about the Earth and its people?
- Would you like to show them Ukraine? Why?
- What would you tell them about our country?
- Would you ask them to help Ukraine? Why/Why not?
- You have just returned from the sightseeing tour around Ukraine. What places of
interest have you seen? Describe one of them. Include the following:
- location of the sight,
- some interesting facts about it,
- your impressions.
- Have you got younger brothers or sisters? Do you have to take care of them while
your parents are away?
- What is difficult about looking after children?
- What important qualities do you think a good baby-sitter should have?
- Have your parents ever made use of a babysitting service? Why/Why not?
- According to recent research, today’s teens don’t really consume any traditional
media such as newspapers or radio. What about television?
- How much time do you spend watching television per week?
- What type of programmes do you prefer?
- Who is your favourite television personality?
- At some schools, students have to wear a school uniform. What about your school?
- Do you think students should be made to wear a uniform?
- In some situations it is important to dress a certain way. Can you think of such a situation and what you would need to wear?
- Why do you think fashion is important to teenagers?
- What do you think is the best thing about owning a pet?
- It can be quite expensive to own a pet, why do you think this may be?
- Some people say that you should check whether your home is suitable for a pet. Why is this important?
- Do you think it is a good or bad idea to take an animal to a pet competition or show?
- Some people believe that having all sorts of appliances at home can make us lazy. Do
you agree?
- Is there a device in your home you particularly rely on?
- Do you think it is worth spending a lot of money on gadgets?
- Do you think there will ever be robots doing household chores in every house?
- Speak about your school experiences.
- What has been your best achievement at school? Have you ever taken part in any competitions at school?
- Have you ever taken part in school theatre performances? What did you do?
- Would you prefer to study at home and go to school only to take exams? Why?
- Cinema has changed dramatically over a period of ten years. Do you agree?
- How often do you go to the cinema?
- What type of films do you enjoy watching?
- Have you seen any good films recently? Which one would you recommend?
- What is ‘recycling’ and what can be recycled?
- Do you do anything to help the environment? What do you recycle?
- What does your school do to help the environment?
- What should be done to help the environment where you live?
- Some people say that young people spend too much time on the Internet. Do you
- Do you think young people prefer to chat online or meet up with their friends?
- Do you think technology is beneficial or harmful?
- Which devices could you not live without?
- School education plays a part in preparing teenagers for life.
- Do you think that students should be able to choose the subjects that they study at school or do the teachers know what is best?
- Which subject do you find most difficult? Why?
- Do you think students should spend much time on after-school activities?
- Some people prefer to relax at the weekend, while others enjoy going out. Which do
you prefer?
- What do you enjoy doing most at the weekends?
- Why is it important to find time to relax?
- Do you think that most teenagers like going to the cinema?
- Some people like to go on holiday to relax, while others enjoy more of an adventure.
- What type of holiday do you like to go on? Why? When will you next go on holiday?
- Do you think that people get enough holiday time per year? Should there be more or less?
- While on holiday, is it also important to learn some things about the local culture? Why/Why not?
- What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
- How often do you exercise?
- What types of food do you think are healthy? What is your attitude to vegetarians?
- Do you think people feel pressure to be thin?
- Describe the area where you live. Is there anything special about it?
- Are there any landmarks there?
- Are there any sports facilities, places for entertainment?
- What would you like to change in the area to make the life of its residents better?
- You are speaking with an exchange student from the English-speaking country.
Your house is for rent. Tell him/her:
- what kind of house it is
- where it is located
- what furniture is there
- how much it costs to rent.
- Are you someone who gets stressed easily?
- What things make you stressed and why? How do you feel when you are stressed?
- Who and what do you rely on most in times of need and why?
- What are the most effective ways to relax for you?
- Talk about your visit to the theatre. Include the following information:
- what theatre you went to,
- the play you saw, the acting,
- the reaction of the audience, your opinion of the play.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Writing Comprehension Test
For 9th Form Students
In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.
- Writing Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students
- Write a personal profile of a person about whom you could say The world would be a better place if there were more people like him/her. Include the following:
- His/her name, when and where he/she was born,
- His/her appearance and character,
- His/her interests and activities,
- His/her achievements and future hopes.
- Write an article to a school newspaper “The most important event in the world history.”
- Identify what event is believed to be the most important.
- Explain the importance of this event.
- Infer the positive and negative impacts of this event on society.
- You are at the English courses now. Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of the zoos in our country. Include the following:
- Zoos are unnecessary. They should be closed.
- Zoos are necessary. They help animals to survive.
Support one of the statements.
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