Категорія «Матеріали до підручника О. Карп’юк (6 клас)»

Семестрові контрольні роботи з англійської мови у 6-му класі (до підручника О. Карп’юк, нова програма)

Writing (the second term). Контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп’юк, 6 клас

Контрольні з англійської мови Карп'юк

Скачати Writing  (the second term) Variant I I .Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. 1 .They  … ( make ) a wonderful journey last month. 2 . Mary … already … ( book ) a ticket. 3 . He usually … ( visit ) his relatives in summer. 4 . We …

Writing (the first term). Контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп’юк, 6 клас

Контрольні з англійської мови Карп'юк

Скачати Writing  (the first term) Variant I a) Yes, there are b) Maths c) No, there isn’t d) Fluently Match the questions with the answers. Is there a globe on the desk? Are there two sponges in the classroom? How do they speak Italian? What are you good at?   Choose the correct word. She …

Reading (the second term). Контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп’юк, 6 клас

Reading (the first term)

Скачати Reading (the second term) My name is Tom Austin. I live in a small town of Durham in the north of England. This story is about the day when I went to London with my dad for my 12th birthday. I woke up at five o’clock in the morning. When I got downstairs and …

Reading (the first term) A Letter About Sports in England. Контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп’юк, 6 клас

Reading (the first term)

Скачати Reading (the first term) A Letter About Sports in England   Dear Lena, I greatly enjoyed your letter in which you told me about sports in your town. I shall try to tell you now about the games we play in England. First of all, I must tell you that football is played in …

Auding (the second term). Семестрові контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп’юк, 6 клас

Контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп'юк 6 клас

Скачати Auding (the second term) THE TRAVELLER AND THE LION One day a traveller in Africa went for a walk. When he was far from home, he saw a lion. The lion saw him at the same time and began to go after him. When the traveller walked quickly, the lion walked quickly, too. When …

Auding (the first term). Семестрові контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп’юк, 6 клас

Контрольні роботи до підручника О. Карп'юк 6 клас

Скачати Auding (the first term)                                            At the Stadium It is Sunday. Oleh is going to the stadium. Today his school team will take part in the competitions. There will be competitions in volleyball and football, running and jumping. Oleh plays football very well. He is a member of the school football team. Last year …