Завдання ІІ етапу Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови 2018-2019 н.р. (Львівська обл.)


Олімпіадні завдання з англійської мови
Олімпіадні завдання з англійської мови


Round I

Writing Test for 11th Form Students

In this test you will select from three writing tasks.  Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about.  You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided.  When you finish, close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.

  1. John Sawhill states that: “A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy.”
  • How do you interpret this quotation, and do you agree?
  • What does it mean in the context of Ukrainian society?
  • What would your ideal society refuse to destroy?


  1. 2. From air pollution to water shortages, environmental problems plague the

     entire world.

  • In your opinion, what are the biggest threats facing the environment today?
  • What do you do in your daily life to mitigate your impact on the environment?
  •  Is it up to the government to set up regulations to protect the environment, or

should the decisions be left to businesses and private citizens?


  1. There are currently thousands of languages spoken across Earth, but it is

    estimated that 94% of  the global population speaks only 6% of the world’s

    total languages.

  • Which languages do you speak, and what does that say about your place in the world?
  • Why is it important to learn a new language? If you could learn any language new

to you, which would you choose, and why?

  • Why are languages important to a culture? What kinds of measures, if any, should be taken to protect dying languages from extinction?






Round II

Speaking Test for 11th Form Students

In this test you will select three task slips from those before you.  After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down.  Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.  You may refer to the topic as needed.  Take a deep breath and begin.

1) In some people’s opinions, technological progress comes at the cost of the environment. Do you agree or disagree? Why/Why not?

  • How is this opinion represented (or not) in Ukraine?
  • Is it okay to destroy the environment in the name of technological progress?
  • Is there any way to ensure that the environment can be protected while still progressing



2) What is more essential: having a healthy spirit or a healthy body?

  • Compare the two, what would life be like if you had to choose one or the other.
  • If you were forced to choose, what would you select as being more crucial to one’s happiness?
  • How would this choice alter you as a person both physically and emotionally?


3) You stumble upon an alien that has crash landed near your home. The alien doesn’t appear dangerous at first, but you are not certain it can understand you if you tried to talk to it. Describe your first interaction with the alien.

  • Would you try to talk to it? Would you call someone? How would you help it?
  • What would the alien need to know to survive in our world?
  • How would you help it fit into society?


4) Some students of history argue that it is important to study the past because history repeats itself.

  • Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.
  • Can you think of an example where history has repeated itself?
  • Are there any other reasons to study the events of the past?


5) Around the world, the hobby reading for pleasure has declined in recent years.

  • What do you think are the causes of this phenomenon?
  • Is this good or bad? What do you think will be the results of this change?
  • Are you a reader?


6) National parks in foreign countries are a major tourist destination.

  • Why are national parks important to a nation? To the world?
  • What national parks exist in Ukraine? Have you visited them?
  • Are national parks more for people’s enjoyment, or more for the preservation of the nature, culture, or history each park aims to protect?



7) For millennia, humans have always done things themselves. However, that has changed as societies have become more specialized, and has lessened considerably with the rise of automation. Now, “D.I.Y.” skills and projects are making a comeback.

  • What do you think of D.I.Y.? What things do you make, fix, or create by yourself?
  • What do you think the reappearance or absence of D.I.Y. says about your culture? About human    nature?
  • When comparing Ukraine to other nations of the world, do you think Ukrainians create or fix more or fewer things by themselves?


8) More and more children around the world are using mobile phones.

  • What do children use their mobile phones for and how is it different from adults?
  • Should parents monitor and control their children’s activity on their phones? Why and How/Why not?
  • Should there be a minimum age at which children are allowed to have phones? Discuss your reasoning.


9) Some schools have dress codes limiting the choices of clothing, hairstyles and hair colors, and makeup. Does your school have a dress code?

  • What do you think about dress codes? Do they help the students focus on schoolwork, or do they unfairly limit students’ individuality?
  • How do you feel about schools dictating what hairstyles—as in, length of hair or style of cut—are acceptable? If limits are placed on one gender, should they also be placed on the other gender in the spirit of fairness?
  • Do these dress/style codes impact students beyond their school years?


10) “The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.” —Warren Bennis. Do you agree or disagree with Bennis?

  • Explain what a leader is to you. What are their characteristics, how do they act, etc.?
  • Why does Bennis say it is a ‘dangerous myth’?
  • Have you ever held a leadership role? If so how did you get there?


11) Esperanto, a constructed language, was invented in the late 1800s in hopes of helping bring about world peace and understanding. Now, it is estimated that up to two million people speak Esperanto, including one to two thousand who have learned to speak it from birth.

  • What is a constructed language? Can you name any other constructed languages?
  • Was Esperanto a good idea? Why or why not? What was its level of success?
  • Should there be a universal language, Esperanto or otherwise, that everyone would learn in addition to his or her native language? How might that help us? How could it potentially harm us?


12) In the digital age, many people turn to the Internet to get the news. Where and how do you choose to get your news?

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of finding news on the Internet, as opposed to more traditional means of newspaper, radio, or even television?
  • Billions of people are now able to publish anything they want on the Internet. How, then, can you determine what online news sources are trustworthy?
  • How will this evolution of news in media affect future generations?


13) “You are what you eat,” is a popular saying in English, regarding health and nutrition.

  • What is your interpretation of this saying? Do you agree or disagree?
  • What is your daily diet like? Where did/do you learn your dietary practices?
  • How does health and nutrition affect your daily life? Your family, friends, neighbors, etc.?


14) If given the opportunity to travel through time and space to any location or time you would like, but your presence there will alter events, where do you go and why?

  • What effect will you have on your destination?
  • Do morals and values play a role in your choice of destination?
  • Should humans have the ability to travel in such a manner?


15) Mark Twain said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Explain how you understand this quote.

  • How can travel be fatal to these things? Why would traveling affect you in such a way?
  • Do you agree or disagree with Twain?
  • Have you gotten to travel? If so is this quote true to you? If not, can you imagine a scenario where it is true?


16) Archaeologists help us understand our present and future by examining artifacts and learning about past civilizations. Many artifacts can be viewed on display in museums.

  • How can the study of past civilizations help us in the present?
  • Should archaeologists always excavate a new site they find or preserve it where it is?
  • If artifacts are excavated and displayed in a museum, should they remain in museums in the country where they were found?


17) Nearly all of you will be going directly from the 11th form to university. Some of your classmates, however, will join the workforce immediately after secondary school.

  • What are the pros and cons of becoming employed after secondary school, instead of attending a university or a vocational school?
  • Why did you decide to take either route (workforce or university)?
  • For society, is it better for more secondary students to immediately begin working after graduation, or is it better for more students to attend a university?


18) In her book Moral Disorder and Other Stories, Margaret Atwood states, “I’ve learned quite a lot over the years avoiding what I was supposed to be learning” implying that not all learning is done with the intent to learn. Discuss a time when you learned a lesson, skill, or something new in a unique way.

  • How did this method of learning differ from times when you put forth effort to learn?
  • In what ways do people learn throughout the course of their lives?
  • Is one method of learning most effective? Why or Why not?


19) “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws” – Plato. How do you understand this quote?

  • Do you agree or disagree? Explain your thoughts.
  • Can you apply this quote to your life? If so, how?
  • What would the world be like if laws were not put in place?


20) There is an old Greek proverb that says: “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

  • What is the mark of a great society? What makes a country great?
  • Are there any countries in this world that can be considered great?
  • What “trees” need to be “planted” in your country for it to achieve greatness? What’s the next step?




Round I

Writing Test for 10th Form Students

In this test you will select from three writing tasks.  Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about.  You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided.  When you finish, close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.


1) Every nation in the world has its own ideas about freedom of speech, and how that relates to the creation and maintenance of an ideal society.

  • What does freedom of speech mean to you?
  • Are there some types of speech that should never be allowed? Are there some types

of speech that should always be protected?

  • What is more important—total freedom of speech, or restricted speech and

expression, in hopes of a more “polite and civil” society?


2) “Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.” ― Gustave Flaubert

  • What does Flaubert mean when he says “read in order to live”?
  • What novels/books interest you? Do you read as Flaubert wishes you to?
  • What effect(s) does reading have on the life of a person?


3) Many people all over the world work hard at achieving optimal health.

  • What are the components of a healthy lifestyle?
  • Is it healthier to live simply, exercising with natural movements and eating natural

foods, or to use a technological approach, for example, taking supplements and using

newly engineered sporting equipment?

  • How important are nutrition and exercise to you? Do you think about health in your

day-to-day lifestyle?



Round II

Speaking Test for 10th Form Students

In this test you will select three task slips from those before you.  After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down.  Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.  You may refer to the topic as needed.  Take a deep breath and begin.


1) People are often interested in foreign people and cultures. Which foreign culture do you find most intriguing?

  • Which tradition from that culture would you like to experience?
  • How has the classical understanding of that culture evolved over time?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting foreign traditions into your own culture?


2) Is  education at a university necessary to achieve success in life?

  • How does a university education help people achieve success?
  • What type of personal success can be achieved without a university degree?
  • Besides wealth, what are other measures of success that can be pursued?


3) “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a

mimicry, their passions a quotation.” ― Oscar Wilde

  • How do you understand this quote? Can it be applied to your life?
  • Do you agree with Wilde’s statement? Why or why not?
  • Can anyone be truly unique, and if so, what makes them so?


4) Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to

purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

  • How do you understand this quote? What does it mean to your life?
  • Should a person allow some of their basic freedoms to be taken from them in order

to be better protected? Which ones?

  • Should a government be allowed to take away certain rights in the name of security?

In what situations?


5) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants or animals that have been modified

for a specific purpose. Some people think using GMOs is the only way to keep up with

the Earth’s growing populations. Do you agree or disagree, why?

  • What do you think about GMOs?
  • Should we continue to utilize and support their development?
  • Is it better to return to more natural processes at the cost of productivity and possibly

not being able to support the world’s population growth?


6) You are a famous inventor. You win a contest with a new product and become

extremely famous. Though you are wildly successful, you are not sure why everyone

likes your new, quite useless invention.

  • What is your invention?
  • What does it do?
  • How does the success of your “useless” invention change your feelings about humans and society?


7) It is said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” How important is it to maintain

one’s appearance?

  • Does it matter what a person looks like? In what situations?
  • How is one’s life affected by whether they choose to maintain a certain appearance?
  • Should people let their opinions of others be affected by how that person looks orhow they dress? What examples do you have from your life?


8) Some of the natural wonders of the world include the Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls,

and Mount Everest.

  • What other famous natural landmarks around the world do you know?
  • Are there any famous natural landmarks in Ukraine?
  • How should these natural landmarks be protected?


9) Smart phones have become an important facet of most people’s everyday life. Some

people argue that they are largely unnecessary, while others cannot imagine life

without them now.

  • What role does a smart phone play in your life?
  • Do you think smart phones are essential?
  • What is the most important feature of a smart phone?


10) Congratulations! You’ve just won the lottery!

  • What would you do if you won a thousand dollars? A million? A billion?
  • How might your daily life, and your personal relationships, change?
  • Would you become a philanthropist? How important is it for rich people to “dogood” with their wealth?


11) If you were a famous cartoon character, who would you be?

  • Why did you choose this character to represent you?
  • Does this character resemble you physically or mentally, or is it someone totallydifferent from how you see yourself?
  • What do you admire about this character? What flaws does the character have?


12) If you could have one world-class artistic or athletic skill, what would it be?

  • Why did you choose that particular skill?
  • Would you seek to make money off your talent, or would it be something you didonly for love?
  • Are you currently working on developing your artistic or athletic talents? Which



13) Which quality is more important in a friend: trustworthiness or friendliness?

  • Would you rather have a friend that does kind things for you or a friend that will tellyou the truth?
  • What are the advantages of your choice? Are there any disadvantages?
  • What type of friend are you?


14) Some school systems require their students to go to school year round with short

breaks built in. Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?

  • Discuss the pros and cons of this kind of system.
  • How would a year-round school system change education in Ukraine?
  • Think about it from the perspective of parents and teachers. How would they react

to such a system?


15) With the rapid development of various forms of media, parents are becoming more

and more worried about what their children consume visually. Some adults believe

that television, online, and video game violence contributes  to teenagers being violent.

What do you think?

  • Discuss whether violence depicted in the media influences teenagers to be violent.
  • What would you say to convince someone who has an opposing view?
  • How do you think violence in media outlets affects youth? How does it affect you?


16) What role do social media play in your life?

  • Describe your average day using social media.
  • Could you survive without social media? How would your life change?
  • How have social media affected the greater society, both in Ukraine and globally? In

what ways have these changes been positive or negative?


17) When listening to a song, what is more important to you, for example: lyrical content

or emotional content?

  • According to your musical taste, what do you look for in music?
  • Is what the artist says as important as the emotions they are trying to project?
  • From your observations, what does a song need in order to be considered popular?


18) You have become an expert in your field of study. You have to deliver a speech that is

broadcast to the entire world.

  • What is your speech about and what would you say?
  • What would you wear?
  • Who would the speech be directed to?


19) You are trapped on a deserted island.

  • What skills would you need to survive on the island?
  • What is the one thing that you would take with you if you could? Why?
  • What do you think your mental state would be?


20) Technology is moving so fast that soon we may have self-driving cars, and the ability to

check into flights at the airport using only our faces as identification.

  • How do you feel when you think about the rapid development of technology?
  • Do you feel there are technological lines that should not be crossed? For example,

technology having to do with privacy or personal space?

  • What is the most exciting technological innovation you’ve witnessed in yourlifetime? The scariest?





Round I

Writing Test for 9th Form Students


In this test you will select from three writing tasks.  Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about.  You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided.  When you finish, close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.


  • There have been many important inventions throughout the course of human history.
  • Which invention do you think is the most important?
  • Do you think creating new inventions is important for humankind?
  • Conversely, if you could erase one invention from human history, what would it be and why?


  • In some countries, sports are viewed as an integral part of the school

     experience. Others think that there is too much emphasis placed on sports.

      What is it like in your  country?

  • Describe why each of these points might be valid, and share your point of view.
  • How do sports impact school life? What about life after school?
  • What would school life be like without sports?
  • Art can be found all around the world. Think about and discuss what art you see in your daily life.
  • What exactly is art, and what is its value to humanity?
  • How much should we invest, money- and time-wise, into the creation, education, and preservation of art in the modern world?
  • Do you create any kind of art? What kind? What sorts of art do you most enjoy






Round II

Speaking Test for 9th Form Students

In this test you will select three task slips from those before you.  After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down.  Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.  You may refer to the topic as needed.  Take a deep breath and begin.

1) Which is superior: books, or Internet sources?

  • Which do you use more frequently? Is one easier to use than the other?
  • Which source is more reliable? Why?
  • Does the superiority of one resource over the other depend on the context? Explain.


2) A time-traveler has arrived from the future! What would you ask him/her, and why?

  • How could knowing the future benefit your life?
  • What advantage could you gain for yourself or for the world as a whole?
  • What could be some of the consequences of knowing your future?


3) Which quality is more important in a friend: trustworthiness or friendliness?

  • Would you rather have a friend that does kind things for you or a friend that will tellyou the truth?
  • What are the advantages of your choice? Are there any disadvantages?
  • What type of friend are you?


4) Do you feel that music is a good indicator of a person’s personality?

  • Are people that listen to happy music more joyful than people that listen to sad oraggressive music?
  • How are people represented by different genres of music (rock, pop, rap, classical,etc.)?
  • Do your music tastes accurately represent your personality?


5) What is a more useful quality in a heroic person: intelligence or bravery?

  • Which quality allows you to help more people?
  • Which quality affects what you can do for people?
  • What other advantages of these qualities can you think of? Which quality would youlike to be described as having?


6) “Some books should be tasted, some devoured (eaten), but only a few should be chewed

and digested thoroughly.” ― Francis Bacon. What is your interpretation of this quote,

and does it apply to you? If so, How?

  • Do you read often? Why or why not?
  • Is it important for people to read?
  • If you had to classify the books you’ve read, which ones were tasted, devoured, and/or chewed and digested thoroughly?


7) Imagine that you are a famous celebrity.

  • What would you want to be famous for?
  • How would you live your life differently?
  • What are some of the drawbacks of being a celebrity? Is there anything you wouldmiss from your earlier life?


8) Neil Gaiman states that “sometimes the best way to learn something is by doing it

wrong and looking at what you did.” Do you agree or disagree and why?

  • Describe a time in your life when you have failed but continued towards your goal.
  • Looking back on your experience as a learner, how do you learn best?
  • What advice could you give to someone about trying and failing when it comes tolearning?


9) Imagine that you could build your dream home anywhere in the world.

  • Where would you build your dream home? Describe the country, city, andsurrounding area.
  • Describe the layout of your dream home. What rooms would you have in yourhouse? What would they look like? Would it have multiple levels?
  • What amenities would your house have?


10) Scientists theorize that some animals have emotional lives similar to that of humans.

For example, elephants and whales mourn their dead, and crows hold both funerals and grudges.

  • Do you believe other animals have emotions like humans? How can we know fromobservation?
  • If they do have similar emotions, what does this mean for animal rights?
  • Can animals sense right and wrong? Can they thus be blamed for their actions?


11) “I don’t care what the newspapers say about me, as long as they spell my name right,”

is an old, famous quotation about the idea that no publicity is bad publicity.

  • Do you agree or disagree that for someone or something famous, all publicity, evennegative, is ultimately beneficial to the individual or organization?
  • This quotation was first said during the time of newspapers. Does this belief stillhold up today, in the time of television and the Internet?
  • How have publicity and public relations changed since the advent of the Internet andsocial media?


12) Each generation differs in unique ways from those that have come before.

  • How is your generation different from your parents’ and grandparents’ generations?
  • How have the events of the past shaped the attitudes of your parents’ and grandparents’ generations? How are the current world and societal events shaping your generation?
  • What do you foresee for the next generations? How will they be similar or different?


13) “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates

  • How do you understand this quote? Can you apply it to yourself?
  • Is wisdom the same as intelligence or knowledge? Explain.
  • How can a person acquire wisdom?


14) You have the opportunity to meet your favorite fictional character! You have 24 hours

to spend with this individual.

  • Describe who the character is and why you have chosen him/her/it.
  • What will do you do in your 24 hours together? What will you discuss?
  • How would your life be different after meeting this individual?


15) “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain

silent.” ― Victor Hugo

  • How do you understand this quote? Does is apply to you or someone you know?
  • What role does music have in everyday life?
  • Could you imagine life without music? How would it affect people and society?


16) Studies have shown that prolonged smart phone use has a negative effect on our

brains, especially youth. Some people suggest we limit our smart phone use. Do you

agree or disagree, why?

  • Should smart phones be available to different groups and restricted like a dangeroussubstance?
  • What role do smartphones play in your daily life? Would you alter your phone usagebased on this statement? Why or why not?
  • Should people take more control and attempt to limit their time on these devices?


17) You are the principal of your school for a week! Talk about what you would

accomplish during your seven days as the head of your school.

  • Describe how your school is now and how it will change with you leading it. Whatare the first changes you will make, and why?
  • What kind of principal will you be? (i.e. strict, fun, etc.)
  • How would you like your teachers and students to remember you after you retired?


18) Would you rather be the first person to explore a new planet or be the inventor of a

drug that cures a deadly disease?

  • Explain why you selected your choice and what you would do having chosen that


  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of your choice?
  • Why are inventions and exploration important, and how do they affect yourcommunity, country, and world?


19) Throughout the history of humankind, there have been many crucial inventions which

have furthered the development of our society. In your opinion, what is the greatest technological advancement in our history?

  • Describe the technological development. Why has it been so important tohumankind?
  • What would life be like without this technological advancement?
  • How has this piece of technology affected your life, your family, or even your future

family? Explain.


20) Some parents pay their children for good marks in school, equating it to a bonus an

employee might get if they excelled at work.

  • What do you think of adding a monetary incentive to studying and getting goodmarks?
  • Are you given any extra money or other rewards for a good academic performance?What is your incentive to study and perform well in school?
  • How might the monetization of school marks affect a student’s performance? How

might it affect a student’s attitude toward education?





Round I

Writing Test for 8th Form Students


In this test you will select from three writing tasks.  Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about.  You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided.  When you finish, close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.

  1. Lately there has been a lot of discussion about environmental problems and how they are harmful. Do you agree that we live on a “sick” planet? What environmental problems affect your community and what is being done to get rid of them?


  1. Describe your ideal living situation, including city or country, an apartment or a house, alone or with family. Explain the reasons for each of your choices.


  1. Write about a big surprise that happened in your life. Was it a good or bad surprise? How did it influence your life?



Round II

Speaking Test for 8th Form Students

  1. Discuss the merits and drawbacks of studying abroad. Do you think that this should be a compulsory part of everyone’s education.Why or why not?
  2. Describe your favourite type of cuisine. Does your favourite cuisine include your favourite dish. What are the differences, if any, between the two?
  3. Who is your favourite painter and why? Does he/she inspire you? What is your favourite painting?
  4. Would you rather have a new car or new computer and why? Describe why each would be important to you and what you would use it for.
  5. Do you think fashion has a beneficial or harmful effect on society? List some ways that fashion is beneficial and some ways that fashion is harmful and why.
  6. What is the difference between your best friend and all of your other friends? Can you have more than one best best friend? Do you? Why is this person your best friend?
  7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism? What is the most unforgettable place you have ever visited?
  8. What languages do you think are important for a person to know? Are ancient languages such as Latin more important than modern ones? How can each help you?
  9. An international travel magazine has asked its readers to describe a famous city. What city will you choose to describe? Why? What are its most famous landmarks?
  10. Imagine you should give a piece of advice to a foreigner visiting your country. Discuss when to come, what to bring, where to go and what to expect upon arrival.
  11. Do you ever listen to classical music? Talk about some of your favourite composers and why you like their music.
  12. Describe a film you have seen recently. Tell us about its plot, characters and main ideas. Who will you strongly advise to watch it?
  13.  What would you do if you were given a million euros? Do you think it is better to win or be given money or is it bettter to earn money?
  14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a large family? Discuss the following ideas: family relationships, everyday chores, discipline and family budget.
  15. What is junk food? Talk about why it is so popular and why it is so dangerous. In your opinion what is healthy food and why is it good for us?
  16. If you were a teacher what subject would you teach? Would you be relaxed or strict? Would you give a lot or a little homework? Explain your answers.
  17. Is it a good idea to save animals from extinction? Why? Do you know any animals that are threatened with extinction? Why are they? What can be done to help?
  18. Would you ever consider a career in extreme sports? Why or why not? What factors lead you to your decision?
  19. What does the independence of Ukraine mean to you? What are the national symbols of Ukraine? What do they mean to you?
  20. Would you prefer a future job working alone or with people? Why? Are there any advantages and disadvantages of each?


Скачати завдання ІІ етапу Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови 2018-2019 н.р. (Львівська обл.): завдання