Підручник Англійська мова 9 клас Несвіт 2017 доступний у форматі pdf (посилання на скачування розміщене в кінці сторінки) або переглянути в онлайн режимі на даній сторінці.
Читати підручник Англійська мова 9 клас Несвіт 2017 ОНЛАЙН (дочекайтесь повної загрузки сторінки …)
Англійська мова 9 клас Несвіт 2017

Автор: Несвіт А.
Видавництво: Генеза, Киев
Рік видання: 2017
Мова навчання: Українська
Кількість сторінок : 285 (нова програма)
Підручник, створений відповідно до нової програми з іноземних мов, продовжує формувати комунікативну компетенцію з англійської мови учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.
Підручник побудовано на принципах комунікативності, інтегрованого розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письма. У ньому дотримано загальнодидактичних принципів доступності, логічності, свідомості, активності та наочності у навчанні.
Експерти, які здійснили експертизу підручника під час проведення конкурсного відбору проектів підручників для 9 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів і зробили висновок про доцільність надання підручнику грифа «Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України»:
Хасанова Л. М., учитель Комунального закладу «Загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 5» Бобринецької міської ради Кіровоградської області, учитель-методист;
Мочикіна М. В., методист Донецького обласного інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти, учитель-методист;
Герцовська Н. О., доцент кафедри англійської філології та методики викладання іноземних мов Мукачівського державного університету, кандидат філологічних наук.
Have you ever tried to find magic? Have you ever dreamt of becoming a magician?
Sometimes we travel to far away countries trying to find the things we have dreamt about for so long, but it happened so that we could find it somewhere very close to us. The real magic is everywhere. You just need ‘to stand and stare’, catch the fleeting moment and now – you’ve got it, – something very special, something that you really need and have been looking for. Now it is yours and no one in the world can take it away from you.
The world around you is fantastic. This year the pages of this textbook will open the secrets of communication to you. You’ll enter the magic world of real friendship, discover the wonders of nature, learn how you can influence the world around you and protect it for many years to come. You’ll share your views about radio and television with your friends. (What else could help you know the world news better?) You’ll listen to the teenagers talking about youth culture. (Are your interests the same or different?) You’ll talk about wonderful inventions and people who made them. (Who knows might one of you also be an inventor one day?) You’ll make a tour around amazing Britain and visit the sites which are included into the World Heritage List. You’ll talk about the best way of using your skills and natural abilities. Do you like working with people or do you prefer working with machines? What profession can give you the best opportunities to develop yourself?
These are the questions you’ll have been able to find the answers to by the end of the school year.
Good luck! Have a nice journey!
Unit 1. My Magic Circle: Family and Friends
Lessons 3—4, Ex. 2
Journalist: The study of youth culture saw a rapid expansion in the second half of the twentieth century. That was the time when an increasing number of youth groups started influencing music, television and cinema.
As youth culture gradually entered the mainstream, the sociological study of youth shifted to the examination of young people’s subjective experiences in contemporary society, as well as to the use of these accounts to inform changes in social life.
Down the phone, Helina is explaining to me what a haul girl is. “Basically, you go out shopping for clothes or beauty products,” she says, “then you make a haul video and show viewers on YouTube what you got. You go through the items of clothing one by one. I guess what people get out of them is not showing off, like, how much money you’ve got or anything, but lifestyle: you get to see how one person lives, what their taste is.”
If you’re minded to talk about a youth culture that involves making videos about your shopping, then Helina has a pretty intriguing counter-argument. “It’s not just about showing what you’ve got”, she says. “It’s a whole creative process behind the videos as well, which is what I enjoy about it. Choosing the right music, going from the filming to the editing. Sometimes I even storyboard things, because I want certain shots, how I can present different items and things like that.” Besides, she says, it’s a genuine community. She thinks a lot of haul girls “turn the camera on because it’s a way to talk to people without having to go outside and face their fears. I know that was the case with me: I turned on my camera because I was at home, signed off work, sick, and really bored. And it helped with my confidence in a way. There’s this community where you can talk to like-minded people.”
Lessons 5—6, Ex. 4a
The extraordinary hairstyle is the hair that amazes and attracts the most attention. In many cases, it has been the invention of an amateur. Professional stylists are always trying something new, but they usually keep it as a variation of what already exists. The truly new, and unique hairstyle does not have to be anything extreme – with artificial attachments and abnormal colours, nor should it simply be a reinvention of something old. The truly extraordinary hairstyles are natural outgrowths of the decade in which they were invented. For example, as women became more involved in industry, they required hairstyles that could easily be protected from machinery, with the result that the long flowing tresses began to disappear once the woman was of working age. A good example were the short pigtails that predominated in industrial societies, giving the woman safety, attractiveness, and youth all in one.
Lessons 9—10, Ex. 2
I was born on June 15, 2002, in Sarasota, Florida. I live with my father, mum, brother, and Aunt Molly. I study at Booker High School. I think I’m a good pupil. The School Administration Board awarded me with a couple of
certificates for perfect attendance and two for being named the Best Student of the Year. I have a few close friends in my school. In ten years time I think I will probably be still living here in Florida.
Lesson 12, Ex. 1
0. A: Tom, if you need a bike, you can borrow mine. I don’t need it today.
B: Oh! Thanks! One of my problems has been solved.
1. A: Hi, Olia! You look worried. Anything wrong?
B: Not really, but my friend Nina hasn’t come, and I’ve got two tickets to the cinema.
A: What kind of films is it on today?
B: A comedy, my best! Could you do me a favour and accompany me? I hope you’ll enjoy it.
A: Why not, though I prefer adventure films. But sometimes you have to change.
B: Thank you so much! You will never be sorry.
2. A: Are you planning to go out on Saturday evening?
B: No, I am not. I’m going to stay in and do my homework.
A: I don’t believe it, you’re kidding.
B: That’s true.
A: But why?
B: My parents are going out and they’ve asked me to babysit. Got it!
A: Have you got any DVD to watch?
B: Yes, of course. Why don’t we watch and babysit together?
A: Oh! That’s a good idea, thank you!
3. A: Are there any places for young people in your town?
B: Yes, there are some. There is a bowling club and there are two cafés and a snack bar.
A: Wow! There are not any snack bars in my town, but there is a youth club at my school, that’s the favourite place of young people.
B: How interesting! What do young people do there?
A: We have a great time there with a lot of fun! We communicate, watch video films and simply chat a lot.
4. A: Mum! If it’s OK with you, I want to get right over to Denny’s. We have
a game this afternoon and maybe, if it’s hot, we can go swimming.
B: Oh, dear! If you go swimming, take your brother with you. He always gets excited about walking to the river.
5. A: Hi, dear! Happy birthday to you! How do you like your present?
B: Oh, thank you, Daddy! It’s the nicest present I’ve ever had! At first, I haven’t even noticed it among my books on the desk! It’s so tiny!
6. A: What nasty weather! You’d rather stay in not to catch a cold.
B: It’s really awful outside, but I have to go.
A: Look at the sky! There is lighting here and there! It’s a thunderstorm! B: Oh, no! I’m afraid of storms!
A: Now I have to make a call to cancel the meeting. Where’s the phone book? B: Here you are.
A: Oh, no! The page I need has been torn out! B: Don’t worry! I’ve got a new book.
A: Goodness! Lucky I am!
Unit 2. Nature Magic: Web of Life
Lessons 5—6, Ex. 7
Mary: Walking is the most popular activity in all the National Parks, it’s
a great way to take in the views, get some fresh air in your lungs and travel to different places! I enjoy walking a lot. I never get tired of admiring the wonderful view and listening to the sounds of nature. Sometimes my parents and I go there on horseback. I’ve been training horse riding for two years already. British National Parks can suggest you everything: from gentler treks through woodlands and meadows to challenging rides over hills. There is something to suit every rider.
Theodore: Horse riding is not my cup of tea. I think it’s a little bit too old-fashioned. I prefer cycling to horse riding. Cycling is a great way to get out and about in the National Parks. I like it when we have a family trip. Nowadays parents are too busy to spend time with their kids. Cycling during the summer holidays is fantastic. I like both bike rides on woodland tracks and quiet country roads and mountain bike rides on real mountains.
Patrick: Nowadays more and more people are interested in extreme kinds of sports. I’ve never tried any but I hope that one day my dream will come true. I think it’s a good idea to go in for watersports and take a water trip on one of the lakes or rivers. Our country is famous for them. There are lakes, coastlines and rivers ideal for all kinds of water sports, surrounded by the stunning scenery. I don’t think I’ll go climbing. In my opinion it’s very dangerous. My father took the air trip when he was 25. That was not a parachuting or paragliding, no! That was an air balloon trip but it was amazing! A great chance to enjoy an amazing aerial view of the National Park scenery passing below.
Lesson 8, Ex. 4
Windermere Lake Cruises are the 16th most popular tourist attraction in the UK and the most popular attraction in the Lake District, with over 1,000,000 people using them each year.
The 17 km length of Windermere makes it England’s longest lake and it has its own rangers and patrol boats in the busy summer months. There is a 10 mph speed limit which came into force in 2005 to enable sailing boats and kayaks to enjoy the lake safely, alongside with jetskis, water skiers and fast motor boats. However, this decision wasn’t accepted by many local businesses that make their money on the development of tourism there.
Current surveys show that 12 million visitors come to the Lake District each year. Most come to enjoy the scenery, peace and quiet and walking but many others visit specific attractions or take part in an outdoor activity.
erosion of the area. Soil gets washed away and then only a stony beach remains rather than a natural area of reeds, and water-loving plants. Many studies have been conducted on the ecology of the lake, and other measures have been taken to reduce pollutant levels in the water and to encourage plant and fish life.
Unit 3. Environment and Greener Living
Lessons 1—2, Ex. 6
Ann: Past industrial activities have polluted some of the land in our city. This land may be dangerous to people’s health and the environment unless it’s cleaned up.
Dan: The world’s population continues to rise, and people want to expect more and more things. More and more housing is needed. Most people want to own cars. More cars require new roads to be built. The amount of waste and rubbish is increasing. Pollution is the question of major concern everywhere in the world nowadays.
Ann: Most environmental problems are due to a lack of care over industrial and waste management. Bad industrial practices and accidents released potentially harmful substances into the land or pour them into the rivers. Should we continue like this?
Dan: Definitely not. We need to stop destroying the world and work hard to protect it.
Ann: In many countries this may mean people have to change the way they live. Lesson 3, Ex. 2
Miss Alison: A banana peel stays in the ground for 1 to 2 weeks, while an aluminium can stays there for 80 to 100 years. When we throw things away we don’t think that wool socks, for example, stay in the ground for 1 to 5 years, a plastic bag – for 10 to 20 years, and a glass bottle can stay there for a million years!
Lessons 4—5, Ex. 7a
Steve: I can’t really understand what made all these people worry about. The City Council has decided to do something really great. I mean, we need a new road. Aren’t you tired of these terrible traffic jams in the city centre? Besides, in case we have a new road, this part of our city will be able to develop a better infrastructure.
Tom: Your ideas sound great. But have you thought about people who ploughed this farmland for many years? Today more and more buildings are occuring on agricultural land. This development can have effects on both the biological and physical properties of soil and can limit its future uses. Then why do we start producing genetically modified food? We destroy the farmland and invent harmful food.
Steve: Our city is growing. More and more people are coming to live here. With the growth of the city population we need more houses. It’s good they are
going to build expensive property. This part of our city will look much better than it looks today. A new supermarket will be also built, not far from my house.
Tom: What makes you so happy then? How long does it take you to get to the supermarket on High Street? Twenty minutes or so. But think of the polluted air because of the cars which will take people to do the shopping here. And litter… Litter, litter everywhere… Paper boxes, plastic bags…
Steve: Don’t be so pessimistic!
Tom: I’m not. I just want to remind you of wildlife…
Steve: Oh, no…
Lessons 6—7, Ex. 1b
An endangered species is a species whose population is so small that it is in danger of becoming extinct. Many countries have laws offering protection to these species (forbidding hunting, banning their habitats from development, etc.) to prevent this. The conservation status of a species is an indicator of the likelihood of that endangered species continuing to survive. Many factors are taken into account when assessing the conservation status of a species: not only the number remaining, but the overall increase or decrease in the population over time, breeding success rates, known threats and so on.
Lesson 11, Ex. 1
Focus on Ecotourism
Nowadays people are becoming more aware about the environmental issues. This led to the sustainable development and ecotourism. The United Nation World Tourist Organization states that responsible tourism:
– minimises negative economic, environmental and social impacts;
– generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well being of host communities;
– improves working conditions and access to the industry;
– involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances;
– makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage;
– provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more better connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues;
– is culturally sensitive, encourages respect between tourists and hosts, and builds local pride and confidence.
Ecotourism attracts more and more people trying to find the right balance between the fast development of modern civilization and nature.
Unit 4. Science Magic
Lessons 1-2, Ex. 2
Science is knowledge and theories about the world, which are based on facts, experiments and research.
Engineering means the activity of designing and building roads, bridges, machines, etc.
An invention is a new product, machine, system, etc., which someone has thought of for the first time.
A discovery is a fact or thing that someone has found out about, which was not known about before.
A technological/scientific/medical advance happens when something brings progress and makes it possible for people to do the things that they couldn’t do before.
High-tech means using the latest technology.
Lessons 3—4, Ex. 7
Betsy: Hello!
Ann: Hi, is Betsy in?
Betsy: Speaking.
Ann: Oh, right, hi! My name’s Ann. I’m a friend of Jane. My elder brother, Jane and me go to the same summer school to learn English.
Betsy: Oh, OK. She told me about you. How are you?
Ann: Fine, thanks.
Betsy: And how’s Jane?
Ann: Oh, great. She told me to say ‘hello’. Anyway, I was wondering if you could help me?
Betsy: I’ll try.
2. A: Good afternoon, Mrs Phelps! This is Jack speaking. Is Tom in?
B: No, he isn’t. Tom is out at the moment. Do you want to leave a message for him?
A: Please, tell him, I called.
B: OK.
A: Thank you. Good talking to you.
3. A: Hello!
B: Hi! May I talk to Steve, please?
A: Steve doesn’t live here.
B: Sorry. I must have called the wrong number.
Lessons 5—6, Ex. 1
Susan: I’d like to talk about computers as far as daily life goes. The computer means an incredible amount to me because not only I enjoy working on it but I love making ‘chat’ friends around the world. We share our hobbies and interests with each other. My brother and I also spend much time playing computer games and surfing the Internet. I use my computer when I prepare a school report or find information for a project.
David: In my opinion, computer is a critical part of our everyday life. I see the future heading in that direction: where technology advances and more things become automated through computers. Some people say that com-
puters disconnect people but I don’t think so. I usually join newsgroups, send and receive emails from my friends. I often download pages with photos, music and video. There is no need to spend time waiting for the letter to come to your house by post mail. You can write to me [email protected] Paul: The computer brings a better quality for living in some respect. You can save your time and do the on-line shopping or pay your bills. As for me, I can design web pages and programmes for the computer. My father has taught me to build computers, and so I have a new hobby now. I think that whatever you choose to do in your life, the computer can be a very nice tool to help you. Oh, yes, computers can really do wonders when used properly!
Lessons 7—8, Ex. 2
Father: OK, dear! I think we need to check what’s wrong with your computer.
It isn’t working properly, is it?
Paul: No, it isn’t. I have been working at my History report for a week and
now I have nothing to present at the lesson tomorrow.
Father: You still have some time to prepare it.
Paul: Not with the help of my computer. A CD-drive isn’t working properly.
I can’t save my presentation on a disk. We need to think about buying a new one.
Father: I don’t think so. We can still replace some parts of it. I mean we can buy a new CD-drive.
Paul: A new CD-drive, and a new monitor, and a new keyboard…
Father: Do you want to say that your computer is too old. How long have you had it?
Paul: We made it three years ago.
Father: But we replace its parts with the newer things from time to time.
Don’t you remember that we bought a new modem only a month ago? And the speakers, they aren’t old, either.
Paul: OK. I can still use my computer, but I don’t think it’s good enough for
you to work on.
Father: It really isn’t. We have to choose a new laptop for me.
Paul: Sure. And I’ll be able to work on it from time to time, yeah?
Lesson 9, Ex. 1
Greenhouse Helmet
US Patent Issued in 1986
This invention consists of a sealed plastic dome, plants on tiny shelves and speakers and microphone for communication with the outside world. The mini greenhouse is designed to allow the user to breathe the oxygen given off by plants growing near their ears.
The inventor never really says why you may need the measly amount of oxygen given off by a couple of plants. Maybe this invention will provide the extra edge needed by the future Olympic athletes to win the Gold. Welcome to the Greenhouse Helmet, your own personal biosphere! It got US patent in 1986.
Lessons 1-2, Ex. 3
What are the World Heritage Sites?
The World Heritage Convention was established in 1972 by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation). The World Heritage List set up by the Convention includes natural sites, and a wide variety of cultural sites such as landscapes, towns, historic monuments and modern buildings. World Heritage Sites are places of international importance for the conservation of mankind’s cultural and natural heritage. In 2007, there were 851 of them, including 27 in the UK and overseas territories. Examples include the Tower of London, the City of Bath, Stonehenge or Scottish castles. There are also famous Ukrainian landmarks which are included in the list: Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra and St Sophia’s Cathedral in Kyiv, the historic centre of Lviv and beech forests of the Carpathians. Among the world famous we can name the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids, the Great Barrier Reef, Venice and others.
The UNESCO World Heritage Committee meets several times a year to discuss the existing World Heritage List, and accept new nominations from countries. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee Session takes place once a year and new sites are added to the World Heritage List. World Heritage Sites are places that need to be preserved for future generations, as part of a common universal heritage.
The Emblem
The circle represents nature and the square – human creation. Every year, new sites of outstanding universal importance are inscribed on the World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee.
Lesson 9, Ex. 4
I have visited Oxford many times, but I am always impressed with its beauty, its source of wisdom. Oxford is a city, and the county town of Oxfordshire, in South East England. It has a population of 151,000 people. It is the home to the University of Oxford, the oldest university in the English speaking world. The city was first mentioned in the written records of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles for the year of 912. In the 10th century Oxford became an important military frontier town. The prestige of Oxford is seen in the fact that it received a charter from King Henry II, granting its citizens the same privileges as those enjoyed by the capital of the kingdom. Oxford experienced difficult times during the plague in the 17th century. In 1840 it was connected with London by the railway. By the early 20th century, Oxford witnessed rapid industrial and population growth.
The University of Oxford is one of the most famous universities in the world. Leading academics come to Oxford from all over the world. It is first mentioned in the 12th century records. Oxford’s earliest colleges were University College (1249), Balliol (1263) and Merton (1264).
Nowadays as well as being a university city it is an extraordinary tourist site. Oxford City Centre is a very good place to come if you wish to shop for
clothes, electronics, have lunch or maybe just have a nice walk with your friends in the University of Oxford Botanical Garden. It is the oldest botanical garden in Great Britain, and the third oldest scientific garden in the world. It was founded in 1621 as the garden growing plants for medicinal research. Today it contains over 8,000 different plant species.
Unit 6. Information Magic: Radio and Television
Lessons 1—2, Ex. 9
Speaker 1. As I am a reporter for the newspaper I have to know all the news before they appear on the screen, so I prefer to surf the Internet and get all the necessary information.
Speaker 2. I am a very busy person, you know, lessons, sports club, no free time at all, so I just listen to the radio and get all the news of a day and my favourite music.
Speaker 3. We often listen to the radio but most of all we enjoy watching TV, because it shows all kinds of programmes and films to satisfy our interests.
Speaker 4. Of course I watch TV with my family, but reading a newspaper before my breakfast has become an everyday habit for me.
Lessons 5—6, Ex. 1
The Origins of Children’s Television Broadcasting
In 1950, ABC first broadcast Saturday morning television shows for children.
The American Broadcasting Company first aired Saturday morning television shows for children on August 19, 1950. The network introduced two shows: Animal Clinic featured live animals, and the variety show Acrobat Ranch which had a circus theme. The first children’s entertainer to perform for television was Burr Tillstrom, who broadcast live from the New York World’s Fair in 1939. The National Broadcasting Company began the first regular television broadcasts in the United States the same year.
At the beginning the network offered just two hours of programming per week. Children’s television developed slowly during the early years. Several children’s shows appeared in the late 1940s and early 1950s including The Small Fry Club, Tillstrom’s Kukla, Fran and Ollie. The Columbia Broadcasting System began airing animated cartoons in 1955 under the title “The Mighty Mouse Playhouse”.
Beginning in the early 1960s, networks broadcast cartoons on weekend mornings when few adults were likely to watch. By the end of the decade, watching Saturday morning cartoons – now several hours of programming with advertising aimed at children – was a ritual in many homes.
Lessons 5—6, Ex.6
1. What’s the last TV programme you watched?
2. Was it a TV film, or was it a talk show?
3. Why did you choose to watch it?
6. Was there anything/anybody you didn’t like?
7. Who was it directed by?
8. Who was starring in the programme?
9. Did you get a lot of new information?
Lesson 8, Ex. 4
Trevor Baylis was born in London in1937. After studying engineering at college, he became a swimming pool salesman, and worked as an inventor in his spare time. Many of his inventions were designed to help disabled people.
In 1993, he saw a programme on television about Africa. The programme said that radio was very useful for people living there, but, unfortunately, many people could not afford electricity or batteries for radios. Trevor found a solution to this problem by inventing a radio that worked by a clockwork. You just wind a handle and that provides the power for the radio.
Trevor’s clockwork radio was shown on a science programme on the British
television called ‘Tomorrow’s World’. A South African businessman and an accountant heard about Trevor’s invention and set up a company to make clockwork radios. They employed disabled people in their factory. Although it wasn’t very high-tech, the clockwork radio was a great success. Trevor received several awards for his invention, including one from the Queen.
Unit 7. Career Magic
Lessons 5—6, Ex. 1
Speaker 1: Hi! I’m John. I’m a taxi driver. You ask me, why I have chosen this job? Well, the first moment I started driving a car, I understood that I liked it a lot. So, when the time came to choose a profession, I was sure that it would be a job connected with driving. Driving a truck or a van seemed a little boring to me, as I am a rather talkative person. I like communicating with people. I couldn’t imagine driving long distances without saying a word to anybody! That’s why I have decided to become a taxi driver. Of course, my job is not ideal. You know, all these traffic jams and noisy passengers sometimes. But I just can’t imagine my life without it!
Speaker 2: Hello! My name’s Mary. I’m a pharmacist. I think that my job is the most useful one in the world. I’m happy that I can prepare medicines, which help sick people. When I was studying at school my favourite subjects were Chemistry and Physics, and I was going to become a doctor (let’s say, a dentist or a surgeon). As I started learning medicine at the university, I understood that preparing medicines, which could treat people, was as much important as being a doctor. So I decided to be a pharmacist, and I don’t regret my decision.
Speaker 3: Hello! I’m Patrick. I’m a computer programmer. Look around, there are computers everywhere: in offices, banks, supermarkets! I’m lucky that I know almost everything about computers and programming. I’ve made a lot of efforts to become a real professional! Firstly, I studied a lot at school: Maths, Computer Study, English. Secondly, I was lucky to advance my knowledge on computer technologies at the university. I’ve learnt how to design software, starting with the simplest programmes. I’m trying to improve my skills all the time. You know, it’s a fantastic feeling, when you see that a computer starts doing operations that it couldn’t do before. I think my profession is one of the most important professions nowadays.
Lesson 8, Ex. 1 Dialogue 1
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I’d like a loaf of rye bread and two apple pies.
A: Here you are. Seven hryvnias, please.
Dialogue 2
A: Miss Brown, have you done the financial report yet?
B: I’ m just finishing it. I only have to check last week account.
A: OK. After you have finished the report, bring it to my office, please. B: Sure.
Dialogue 3
A: Have you fed the animals, John?
B: Of course, I have.
A: What are you doing at the moment?
B: I’ m watering the crops.
Unit 3
Lessons 7-8. SOS: Endangered Species!
Student A A Giant Turtle
1. They are reptiles but they rarely go into the water. (8 points)
2. They live on the Galapagos Islands. (7 points)
3. They can weigh up to 230 kilogrammes. (6 points)
4. The female lay eggs. (5 points)
5. Many of them reach the age of 100 years. (4 points)
6. They have an excellent nose and sense of colour. (3 points)
7. When attacked, they hide under their shells that protect them from larger animals. (2 points)
8. They are slow-moving animals for which they are famous. (1 point)
1. There are only 55,000 left of them. (8 points)
2. Although they are birds, they cannot fly. (7 points)
3. Their bones have marrows, while most of other birds’ bones are hollow. (6 points)
4. They live in New Zealand. (5 points)
5. Unlike other birds, they have nostrils on their bills. (4 points)
6. They have short wings, and no tail. (3 points)
7. They are one of the symbols of their country; moreover people of New
Zealand are sometimes called this. (2 points)
8. There is a small oval fruit of the same name. (1 point)
An African Elephant
1. Mother animals carry their babies for 20 to 22 months. (8 points)
2. They share an ancestor with sea cows. (7 points)
3. They have been hunted for their tusks of which jewellery and souvenirs are made. (6 points)
4. Their ancestors spent most of their time in the water, or even underwater. (5 points)
5. They are the largest living animals on the Earth. (4 points)
6. They can often be seen in the circuses, and are used for transportation. (3 points)
7. One of them was in a tale and could fly using his ears as wings. (2 points)
8. Their most characteristic is their trunk. (1 point)
A Polar Bear
1. They are quite fast in the water, and they have an excellent nose. (8 points)
2. There are only 10,000 left of them. (7 points)
3. Their weight is around 420 kilogrammes, and they can grow to two and a half metres. (6 points)
4. They are the most aggressive predators on the Earth. (5 points)
5. They can be found in Polar Regions. (4 points)
6. Their relatives in the Tundra and Taiga are brown. (3 points)
7. Their thick white fur protects them from the cold. (2 points)
8. They are becoming extinct nowadays as they are losing their habitats because of the global warming. (1 point)
Student B
A Panda
1. They have a special thumb-like finger which helps them in eating. (8 points)
2. Their cry is almost similar to the cry of a human baby. (7 points)
3. They make growls, honks, and chirps to attract mates. (6 points)
4. They give birth to one baby, which starts crawling after three months. (5 points)
5. They spend 10-12 hours a day eating, and during this time they feed on 23-36 pounds of bamboo roots. (4 points)
6. They move to new territories as the bamboos die off. (3 points)
7. They live in China. (2 points)
8. They have been hunted for their black-and-white fur. (1 point)
A Sea Cow
1. They live in salt and freshwater coastal areas around Florida. (8 points)
2. They eat plants. (7 points)
3. They are mammals living under water. (6 points)
4. Mothers carry their youngs for 13 months and on average one calf is produced every two years. (5 points)
5. They have to come to the surface for air every three or five minutes. (4 points)
6. The mother nurses the calves until the age of two. (3 points)
7. Adult animals weigh around 1,000 pounds and are about 3 metres long. (2 points)
8. They can live up to 50 to 60 years of age. (1 point)
A Sea Lion
1. There are less than a thousand still living. (8 points)
2. Males fight for the territory for the females to breed on. (7 points)
3. They are constant entertainers in water shows. (6 points)
4. They were killed in California in the 1800s for their fat of which people made oil for lamps. (5 points)
5. They have small ears and long whiskers. (4 points)
6. Unlike old types, they can walk, and even run on their four limbs. (3 points)
7. They might be as long as three and a half metres. (2 points)
8. They are very skilful with balls. (1 point)
A Kangaroo
1. It is a mammal. (8 points)
2. This is a marsupial animal. (7 points)
3. The undeveloped animal remains in the mother’s marsupium until it is able to climb out. (6 points)
4. There is a sports brand named after this animal, perhaps because of its habit of boxing. (5 points)
5. Being an inhabitant of Australia, it is one of the symbols of the country. (4 points)
6. This animal is in A. A. Milne’s famous tale about a bear. (3 points)
7. The only place where they survived is Australia. (2 points)
8. This animal doesn’t run but hops. (1 point)
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